Tag: area and its boundary

Questions Related to area and its boundary

State whether the given statement is true or false
The Area of a quadrilateral is given to be $100 \, m^3$

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

Check the validity of the statement.
The area of a square is given to be $3.02 \,  cm^2$. 

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

The area of Square is $100cm^2$.It cuts in $4$equal sized Squares .Find area of one of them in $m^2$

  1. $.25m^2$

  2. $.025m^2$

  3. $25m^2$

  4. $.0025m^2$

Correct Option: D

The length of a square is given to be $3 cm$, then its area is _______

  1. $9 \, cm^2$

  2. $9 \, cm$

  3. $12 \, cm^2$

  4. $12 \, cm$

Correct Option: A

The area of triangle whose base is $4$ cm.and height is thrice the base ,in $m^2$ is

  1. $.24m^2$

  2. $.024m^2$

  3. $.0024m^2$

  4. $24m^2$

Correct Option: C

A saree has rectangular border of length $4m$ and breadth$3cm$.find area in $mm^2$

  1. $.12mm^2$

  2. $.012mm^2$

  3. $.0012mm^2$

  4. $12mm^2$

Correct Option: C

The area of square is equal to area of rectangle with length$8mm$ and breadth$2m$.Find its area in $cm^2$

  1. $160cm^2$

  2. $1.6cm^2$

  3. $.16cm^2$

  4. $none$

Correct Option: A

Ram has a plate in circular form which has design in $7$ meter radius .Find the area of design in $cm^2$

  1. $154cm^2$

  2. $15400cm^2$

  3. $1540000cm^2$

  4. $.154cm^2$

Correct Option: C

A Table top has length 12mm,breadth 8mm.Find the area of top in $m^2$

  1. $.096m^2$

  2. $.0096m^2$

  3. $.00096m^2$

  4. $.000096m^2$

Correct Option: D