Tag: reproductive health

Questions Related to reproductive health

The most common bacterial sexually transmitted disease is

  1. Gonorrhea

  2. Syphilis

  3. Chlamydia

  4. Genital warts

Correct Option: C

Chlamydia is the most common type of bacterial STD. It doesn't cause any symptoms, hence is difficult to detect in the early stages. 

So, the correct option is 'Chlamydia'.

Which of the following is not a sexually transmitted disease?

  1. Trichomoniasis

  2. Hepatitis B

  3. Chlamydiasis

  4. Loiasis

Correct Option: D

Diseases or infections which are transmitted through sexual intercourse are collectively called sexually transmitted diseases or venereal diseases or reproductive tract infections. Gonorrhoea, syphilis, genital herpes, Chlamydiasis, Trichomoniasis, Hepatitis-B, AIDS are some of the STDs. Loiasis is a eye infection causedby loa loa worm. Thus option D is the correct answer.

Fluid discharge, slight pain and swelling in genital region are the early symptoms of

  1. Sexually transmitted disease

  2. Fungal disease

  3. Viral disease

  4. Both A and B

Correct Option: A

The sexually transmitted diseases also called venereal diseases, are spread by sexual intercourse with an infected person. The major venereal diseases are syphilis and gonorrhea. Fluid discharge, slight pain, swelling in genital region are the early symptom of sexually transmitted disease.

Thus option A is the correct answer.

Which of the following sexually transmitted diseases is most common in the world?

  1. Chlamydia

  2. Gonorrhea

  3. Herepes

  4. AIDS

Correct Option: A

Chlamydia is a common sexually transmitted infection, that can be passed on through sex without a condom with someone chlamydia (even if they don't have symptoms), or from a pregnant woman to her unborn baby. It can be prevented by using male or female condoms during sex. A simple urine test will show whether you have chlamydia. Chlamydia is easily treatable with antibiotics.

So the correct option is  'Chlamydia'

Which of the following is caused by the Haemophilus ducreyi?

  1. Chlamydiasis

  2. Chancroid

  3. Candidiasis

  4. Scabies

Correct Option: B

Haemophilus ducreyi is a fastidious gram-negative coccobacillus bacteria, which causes the sexually transmitted disease chancroid, a major cause of genital ulceration in developing countries, characterized by painful sores on the genitalia. 

So the correct option is  'chancroid'. 

The detection technique for AIDS is

  1. Microscopic examination

  2. ELISA

  3. PCR

  4. Both B and C

Correct Option: D

PCR test is used to detect HIV's genetic material, called RNA, in the patient's specimens. ELISA test for the antibodies & antigens in the blood of the affected person. 

So the correct option is  'both B & C'. 

Sexually transmitted disease caused by parasite is 

  1. Trichomoniasis

  2. Filariasis

  3. Scabies

  4. Enterobiasis

Correct Option: A

Trichomoniasis is a commonly occurring sexually transmitted disease caused by a parasite. It causes different symptoms in the affected men & women.

So the correct option  is  'Trichomoniasis'. 

All of the following sexually transmitted diseases are curable if detected early except

  1. Hepatitis B

  2. Genital herpes

  3. Syphilis

  4. AIDS

Correct Option: D

AIDS, which is caused by the HIV virus, attacks the immune system, making it weak, hence the individual suffers from many different types of diseases. Also in the early stages of the disease, very little or no symptoms, like a headache, fever, fatigue and sore throat appear, which is misunderstood for some kinds of flu.  

So the correct option is  'AIDS'. 

The common symptoms of sexually transmitted disease are

  1. Fluid discharge

  2. Swelling and slight pain

  3. Both A and B

  4. Headache

Correct Option: C

The most common type of STD's are chlamydia, herpes & gonorrhea. The early symptoms in each one of these are swelling near the genitals & fluid discharge from the reproductive organs. 

So the correct option is 'Both A and B'.

The most common sexually transmitted disease is 

  1. HIV

  2. HPV

  3. Herpes

  4. Tricomoniasis

Correct Option: D

Tricomoniasis is one of the most common type of sexually transmitted disease , caused by a parasite . While HIV , HPV & Herpes can be spread by causes other than unprotected sex with infected person .

So the correct option is 'Tricomoniasis'