Tag: plants: structure and function

Questions Related to plants: structure and function

A small, dry, one-seeded fruit with its pericarp fused with the seed-coat, developing from a monocarpellary gynoecium is called ____________.

  1. Cypsela

  2. Siliqua

  3. Caryopsis

  4. Samara

Correct Option: C

A small dry one-seeded fruit with pericarp fused with seed coat which develops from monocarpellary gynoecium i.e from a superior monocarpellary ovary is called caryopsis. 

Examples- Maize, wheat. 

Arial is

  1. Outgrowth of integument

  2. Persistent nucellus

  3. Outgrowth of funicle which grows around the ovule

  4. Outgrowth from micropyle

Correct Option: C

Arial is fleshy bright outgrowth from the funicle of the seed. It assist in seed dispersal.

Fruit of Elephant Apple (Dillenia indica) is

  1. Balausta

  2. Pepo

  3. Amphisarca

  4. Berry

Correct Option: C

Fruit in Elephant apple is Amphisarca. The fruit is  succulent, greenish yellow, large and have many seeds which are edible. 

Fruit of custard apple is

  1. Etaerio of berries

  2. Etaerio of follicles

  3. Etaerios of achenes

  4. Ethaerio of drops

Correct Option: A

Aggregate of small berries, e.g., Custard apple. Apical parts of berries fuse with each other to form a common rind.

Feathery (hairy) style is persistent in

  1. Solanum

  2. Clematis

  3. Helianthus

  4. Hibiscus

Correct Option: B

Hairy styles .. The fruits of Clematis possess persistent airy styles which help in floating in air.

What is the botanical name of mulberry?

  1. Morus

  2. Anthera

  3. Fragaria

  4. Solanum

Correct Option: A

Morus (mulberry) is classified as follows,
Kingdom: Plantae, Angiosperms, Eudicots, Rosids, 
Order: Rosales,
Family: Moraceae
So, the correct answer is 'Morus'

The type of fruit seen in Jack is.

  1. Citrus fruit

  2. Syconus

  3. Sorosis and multiple fruit

  4. Aggregate

Correct Option: C

  • Multiple fruits are developed from the complete inflorescence which in jack fruits case is spadix. And it is thus called a sorosis type of fruit. 
  • Flowers with many free carpels are apocarpous as seen in the aggregate fruits. 
  • Syconus is the other type of multiple fruits which develops on the ripening of the hypanthium or the coenanthium inflorescence
  • The correct answers are multiple fruit and sorosis 

The correct option is C.

A substance which is used to stimulate the increase in size of the apple fruit is 

  1. Morphactin

  2. Promalin

  3. Ethylene

  4. Ethapone

Correct Option: B

Promalin is a mixture of cytokinin-6-benzaldenine, GA$ _{4}$ and GA$ _{7}$. It is very active in stimulating increase in apple size particularly in red delicious apples.

The ripening of fruits can be accelerated by 

  1. Reducing the supply of water to plant when fruits are maturing

  2. Increasing the supply of nitrogen to the atmosphere surrounding them

  3. Warming up the surroundings artificially

  4. Artificially adding ethylene gas to the atmosphere surrounding them

Correct Option: D

Ethylene is unique in that it found only in gaseous form, and accelerates ripening of fruits, leaves abscission and promotes senescence.

Berries, drupes and pomes are

  1. Aggregate fruits

  2. Composite fruits

  3. Simple succulent fruits

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: C

Berries, drupes and pomes develop from a single ovary of a single flower and thus are simple fruits. They also have bulk of their fruit which is fleshy and hence are called succulent.

Agrregate fruits develop from polycarpellary apocarpous ovary.
Composite fruits develops from a inflorescence of several flowers.
The correct answer is 'Simple succulent fruits'.