Tag: frog

Questions Related to frog

A frog with crushed brain is pinched on the leg. The leg is drawn away. It is

  1. Automatic motor response

  2. Neurotransmitter induced response

  3. Conditional reflex

  4. Simple reflex

Correct Option: D

What is true about buccophayngeal respiration in frog-

  1. Sternohyal muscle contracted-Buccal air pumped into lungs. petrohyal muscle cotractedpulmonary air pumped out.

  2. Sternohyal muscle contracted-atmospheric air sucked in, petrohyal muscle contract-Buccal air pumped out

  3. Sterohyal muscle relaxed-atmospheric air pumped out, petrohyal muscle contracted-Buccal air pumped into lungs

  4. None

Correct Option: A

What happens if ophthalmic branch of trigeminal is cut in frog?

  1. Frog dies

  2. Frog becomes blind

  3. Frog loses its capacity of sensing

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: C

Insufficient production of ______ in the tadpoles leads to the incomplete development.

  1. Thyroid

  2. Thyroxine

  3. Iodine

  4. Larve

Correct Option: B

The process of growth and development is regulated by thyroxine hormone which is produced by thyroid gland. Iodine is required for thyroxine production. Thus insufficient production of thyroxine in the tadpoles leads to the incomplete development.

The number of pairs of cranial nerves arising from the brain of frog is?

  1. $10$

  2. $9$

  3. $8$

  4. $7$

Correct Option: A

Tadpoles growing in ___________ water shows retarded growth.

  1. Iodine deficient

  2. Iodine rich

  3. Magnesium deficient

  4. Magnesium rich

Correct Option: A

The process of growth and development is regulated by thyroxine hormone which is produced by thyroid gland. Iodine is required for thyroxine production. That is why retarded growth is seen in tadpoles living in iodine deficient water. 

For the metamorphosis of tadpoles which of the following element must be available in water?

  1. Chlorine

  2. Carbon

  3. Sulphur

  4. Iodine

Correct Option: D

In an insect or an amphibian, the process of transformation from an immature form to an adult form in two or more distinct stages is known as metamorphosis. For the metamorphosis of tadpoles, thyroid hormone along with the essential constituent iodine is necessary.

Contraction of sternohyal muscles during breathing in frog ____________.

  1. Closes glottis

  2. Opens the nostrils

  3. Raises floor of oral cavity

  4. Lowers floor of oral cavity

Correct Option: D

Throat is lowered and raised alternatively by sternohyal and petrohyal muscles.

Which of the following statement is true with reference to
teeth in frog

  1. The lower jaw is toothless

  2. The upper jaw is toothless

  3. Both lower and upper jaws are toothless

  4. Both lower and upper jaws are toothed

Correct Option: A

The lower jaw of frog is toothless. Teeth are present on premaxillae , maxillae of upper jaw.

One of the examples of the action of the autonomous neural system is ____________.

  1. Swallowing of food

  2. Pupillary reflex

  3. Peristalsis of the intestine

  4. All of these

Correct Option: D

Autonomous neural system controls and coordinates the involuntary activities of various organs. It regulates involuntary activities of the body i.e., activities that are not under the will power of the animal, e.g. swallowing of food, pupillary reflex, peristalsis of the intestine, etc.