Tag: pressure belts and winds

Questions Related to pressure belts and winds

Which of the following factors affect the climate of a place?

  1. Latitude

  2. Distance from the sea

  3. Altitude

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Which of the following does not have influence over the climate of India?

  1. Nearness to Equator

  2. Presence of Indian Ocean

  3. Monsoons

  4. Ocean currents

Correct Option: D

The western disturbances which cause winter rain in India originate in _____.

  1. Pakistan

  2. Bay of Bengal

  3. West Asia

  4. Himalayas

Correct Option: C
West Asia.
Western Disturbance is an extratropical storm, which give rain to North and Northwest India during winter. It is very useful for wheat and winter crops. It is driven by westerlies (westerlies, are prevailing winds from the west toward the east in the middle latitudes between 30 and 60 degrees latitude.)
Western Disturbances originate from the Mediterranean sea, the Black sea, and the Caspian sea. From this region and from Atlantic ocean they collect the moisture and move eastward.

In the extratropical zone frontogenesis (a process in which two air masses of different densities come together to form a front) process take place which in turn facilitates the formation of the cyclone. These types of cyclones occurring over mid-latitude are called extratropical cyclones. They travel as a family and reaching north India one by one.  They are more in frequency in the winter season as westerlies are stronger in winter. They approach India by traveling across Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. They are mainly lower tropospheric systems that show variation in strength and vertical extent with superimposition of a mid and upper tropospheric trough in westerlies.

How do the western disturbances affect the crops in north India?

  1. They cause heavy damage to the standing crops

  2. They bring in locusts which destroy the crops

  3. They are beneficial to the crops by causing winter rain

  4. They help in keeping the plants warm to some extent in winter

Correct Option: C

They are beneficial to the crops by causing winter rain.
They are the cause of most winter and pre-monsoon season rainfall across northwest India. Precipitation during the winter season has great importance in agriculture, particularly for the rabi crops.  Excessive precipitation due to western disturbances can cause crop damage, landslides, floods and avalanches.

Match List I with List II and select the correct answer by using the codes given below the lists:

List-I (Climatic conditions) List-II (Resons)
A. Chennai is warmer than Kolkata 1. North-East Monsoon
B. Snowfall in Himalayas 2. Altitude
C. Rainfall decreases from West Bengal to Punjab 3. Western depressions
D. Sutlej-Ganga Plain gets some rains in winter 4. Distance from sea
5. Latitude
  1. A - 1, B - 2, C - 4, D - 5

  2. A - 4, B - 5, C - 1, D - 3

  3. A - 5, B - 2, C - 4, D - 3

  4. A - 5, B - 1, C - 3, D - 4

Correct Option: C
A. Chennai is warmer than Kolkata - Latitude
B. Snowfall in the Himalayas - Altitude
C. Rainfall decreases from West Bengal to Punjab - Distance from sea
D. Sutlej-Ganga Plain gets some rains in winter - Western depressions

The subtropical westerly jet stream moves towards the north of the Himalayas with the apparent movement of the sun in ________.

  1. Winters

  2. Advancing monsoon

  3. Retreating monsoon

  4. Summers

Correct Option: D
These jet streams are located approximately over 27°-30° north latitude, therefore, they are known as subtropical westerly jet streams. Over India, these jet streams blow south of the Himalayas, all through the year except in summer. The western cyclonic disturbances experienced in the north and north-western parts of the country are brought in by this westerly flow in winters. In summer, the subtropical westerly jet stream moves north of the Himalayas with the apparent movement of the sun.

Equatorial low pressure belt exists between _________________.

  1. $10^0N-10^0S$

  2. $5^0N-5^0S$

  3. $15^0N-15^0S$

  4. $5^0N-15^0S$

Correct Option: B
$5^0 N - 5^0 S$
This low pressure belt is also called as doldrums, because it is a zone of total calm without any breeze. 
Subtropical High Pressure Belts. At about 30°North and South of Equator lies the area where the ascending equatorial air currents descend.

'Horse Latitudes' is a geographical name of __________________.

  1. High pressure areas $30^{\circ}N$ and $30^{\circ}S$

  2. Areas which lie between $5^{\circ}N$ and $5^{\circ}S$ of equator

  3. Equatorial doldrums

  4. Polar regions

Correct Option: A

State whether these sentences are true or false
The two Temperate Zones maintain a moderate climate.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A
In geography, temperate latitudes of the Earth lie between the subtropics and the polar circles. Temperate means moderate. Unlike in the tropics, temperatures can change greatly here, between summer and winter. So, most places with a temperate climate have four seasons: summer, autumn, winter and spring.

The subtropical high pressure belt is often called _________ .

  1. doldrums

  2. ITCZ

  3. horse latitudes

  4. none of the above

Correct Option: C

The subtropical high pressure belt is often called horse latitude. It is situated around $30^o$ Northern and Southern hemisphere.