Tag: from hunting - gathering to growing food

Questions Related to from hunting - gathering to growing food

Who are tribes?

  1. Two to three generation live together

  2. Group of family in settlements or villages

  3. Families who are related to one another

  4. All of above

Correct Option: D

Usually two or three generations live together in small settlements or villages. Most families are related to one another and groups of such families form a tribe.

From where the bones of Sheep and Goat have been found belonging to the Neolithic period ?

  1. Tekkalakota 

  2. Piklihal 

  3. Hallur 

  4. Brahmagiri 

Correct Option: C

The earliest 'man like creature' which racially differed from 'Homo sapiens' is generally known as ____________.

  1. Eoanthropus

  2. Pithecanthropus

  3. Sinanthropus

  4. Hominid

Correct Option: D
  • The earliest 'man-like creature' which racially differed from 'Homo sapiens' is generally known as Hominid.
  • They are also known as great apes and are a taxonomic family of primates that includes eight extant species.