Tag: specialized cells in animals

Questions Related to specialized cells in animals

Refers to the items listed under different groups in the given table and select the option which correctly indentifies $X$ and $Y$.

Group I Group II
TapewormHookwormLiver fluke      X VultureHyena   YJackal
  1. X - Pinworm, Y - Crow

  2. X - Mosquito, Y - Bison

  3. X - Leech, Y - Koala

  4. X - Bed bug, Y - Wildbeest

Correct Option: A

Group 1 represents various members of the Phylum Platyhelminthes while Group 2 includes members of class Aves of vertebrata.

Pinworm and Crow are included in Phylum Platyhelminthes and Aves respectively.
So, the correct option is 'X - Pinworm, Y - Crow'.

Ubisch bodies are connected with the formation of?

  1. Sporopollenin

  2. Intine and pollenkitt

  3. Exine

  4. Pollenkit and pollinia

Correct Option: C
When the anther is young, at the stage of sporogenous tissue, the cells of the tapetum contain numerous spherical bodies called pro-ubisch bodies. The number of pro-ubisch bodies increases by meiosis in Pollen mother cells. These pro-ubisch bodies get coated by sporopollenin and are called ubisch bodies or orbicules. These are involved in the formation of exine of the pollen grains. Thus, the correct answer is option C, Exine.

From the list of characters given. Choose the characteristic which are exclusive to birds.
(a) Pneumatic bones
(b) Lungs with air sacs
(c) Four chambered heart
(d) Homoithermy
(e) Feathers
(f) Scales
(g) Crop and gizzard.

  1. (a), (b), (d), (e) & (g)

  2. (a), (b) & (e)

  3. (a), (b)

  4. (e) only

Correct Option: A

Unlike animals, plants get energy in the form of

  1. ATP

  2. Soil

  3. Roots

  4. Water

Correct Option: A

Chloroplasts contain a pigment called chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is able to capture the energy from the sun. In doing this, a series of chemical reactions occur that convert the sun's energy into ATP (energy for the plant). 

Therefore, the correct answer is option A.

How many different types of tissues are found in human body?

  1. $4$

  2. $14$

  3. $12$

  4. $40$

Correct Option: A

There are four types tissues found in human body namely the muscular, epithelial, connective and nervous.

The direction of impulse in a typical neuron is

  1. Axon to dendron

  2. Dendron to axon

  3. Both A and B

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B

In a typical neuron, the incoming signals are first taken up by the dendrites and they are then passed on to the axons via the neuron body. 

Image result for The direction of impulse in a typical neuron is

So, the correct answer is 'Dendron to axon'

The integral component of the nervous tissue is 

  1. Axon

  2. Neuron

  3. Cyton

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B
The nervous system has a function in the control and coordination of the body. It consists of nervous tissue. Nervous tissues contain highly specialized cells called neurons or nerve cells. 
So, the correct answer is 'Neurons'.

Cell body is known as

  1. Axon

  2. Cyton

  3. Neuron

  4. None of he above

Correct Option: B
Neurons are made up of three parts: cell body, dendrites, and axon. The cell body is also known as cyton consists of nucleus and cytoplasm. Dendrites are short branches arising from cell body whereas axon is a long cylindrical projection of uniform thickness.
So, the correct answer is 'Cyton'.

The voluntary muscles are known as

  1. Striated muscles

  2. Cardiac muscles

  3. Unstriated muscles

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A
Striated muscles or skeletal muscles are the most abundant type of muscle fibers found attached to the bones. They are multinucleated and voluntary in nature. They help in the movement of different parts of the body.
So, the correct answer is 'Striated muscles'.

Which of the following characteristics can be related to cardiac muscles?

  1. They are striated.

  2. They are involuntary muscles.

  3. They are less prone to fatigue.

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D
The cardiac muscles are present on the wall of the heart. These muscles are striated muscles but involuntary in nature. They are under the control of the autonomic nervous system. Due to the presence of large number of mitochondria, they have the continuous supply of oxygen and hence these muscles are less prone to fatigue.
So the correct answer is 'All of the above'.