Tag: living world of animals

Questions Related to living world of animals

The organism made up of only a single cell is known as 

  1. Unicellular

  2. Acellular

  3. Multicellular

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

The cell is the structural unit of life. Unicellular organisms are made up of one cell that performs all the functions and thus, called as a single-celled organism.

Which of these is a multicellular organism?

  1. Amoeba

  2. Paramoecium

  3. Human beings

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C
A. Amoeba is a single-celled eukaryotic organism that moves by the means of pseudopodia.
B. Paramoecium is a unicellular eukaryotic organism. It is a ciliate.
C. Human beings are the multicellular primates, scientifically known as Homo sapiens.
So, the correct answer is 'Human beings'.

Which one from the following is an example of multicellular organism?

  1. Chlamydomonas

  2. Bacteria

  3. Snake

  4. Amoeba

Correct Option: C
The cell is the structural unit of life. Unicellular organisms are made up of one cell that performs all the functions e.g., bacteria, amoeba, Chlamydomonas. Whereas, multicellular organisms are made up of numbers of cells and a differnt group of cells perform a different function to maintain life. Snake is an example of the multicellular eukaryotic organism.

Efficient large-sized cells are

  1. Elongated

  2. Elongated or branched

  3. With large surface area

  4. Having microvilli

Correct Option: A

  • Generally, cells are small so they can have an efficient surface area to volume ratio. Cells are so small so they can diffuse faster and all their processes will be a lot faster because of the smaller size of the cell.
  • For the large sized cells to become Efficient the cells must be elongated in order to have an efficient surface area to volume ratio.
  • Hence efficient large-sized cells are elongated.
  • So, the correct answer is 'Elongated'.
  • Which of following organisms can be seen only under the microscope?

    1. Unicellular

    2. Multicellular

    3. Vertebrates

    4. All of the above

    Correct Option: A
    • Most unicellular organisms are of microscopic size and are thus classified as microorganisms, for example, Phytoplankton and protozoa range from about 0.001 mm to about 0.25 mm.
    • Most of the multicellular organisms and vertebrates are visible to the naked eye, which means that it is possible to view them without using the microscope.
      So, option A is the correct answer.

    Many animals have physical adaptation of blending to the environments. This is known as

    1. Mimicry

    2. Behavioural

    3. Migration

    4. Camouflage

    Correct Option: D

    1. Mimicry is considered to be the copy of action or behavior of someone or something. It can be in the form of sound, smell, behavior etc.
    2. Behavioral adaptation is the one that organism adapts for the survival. It includes migration, hibernation etc.
    3. Migration is the process in which animal moves large distances in order to avoid seasonal stress. 
    4. Camouflage is a combination of material, colouration and illumination that helps organism either to hide or disguise itself. 
    So, the correct option is 'Camouflage'.