Tag: free, forced and damped oscillations

Questions Related to free, forced and damped oscillations

The phenomenon in which the amplitude of oscillation of a pendulum decreases gradually is called

  1. decay period of oscillation

  2. damping

  3. building up of oscillation

  4. maintained oscillation

Correct Option: B

Whenever there is a damping force, it will slow down the motion of a pendulum, and ultimately it will make the pendulum stop. This phenomenon is called damping.

The oscillations of a pendulum slow down due to :

  1. the force exerted by air and the force exerted by friction at the support

  2. the force exerted by air only

  3. the forces exerted by friction at the support

  4. they never slow down

Correct Option: A

The pendulum on its motion has friction particle. As a result of this frictional force slows down.

Vibrations, whose amplitudes of oscillation decrease with time, are called :

  1. free vibrations

  2. forced vibrations

  3. damped vibrations

  4. sweet vibrations

Correct Option: C

In case of dumped vibrations amplitude of oscillation gradually decreases with time.

In which of the following there is some loss of energy in the form of heat

  1. Forced vibrations

  2. Free vibration

  3. Damped vibrations

  4. All

Correct Option: C

It is our common experience that when a body is made to vibrate in a medium , the amplitude of the vibrating body continuously decreases with time and ultimately the body stops vibrating.this is called the damped vibrations.

The periodic vibrations of a body of decreasing amplitude in the presence of resistive force on it are called

  1. Forced vibrations

  2. Free vibration

  3. Damped vibrations

  4. All

Correct Option: C

Forced vibrations: External force is acting on the body. 
Free vibration: Constant amplitude and no external force.
Damped vibration: Amplitude is not constant, it keeps on decreasing due to environmental factors of the system like air resistance.  
Therefore, correct option is C. 

Any oscillation in which the amplitude of the oscillating quantity decreases with time is termed as

  1. Damped oscillation

  2. Free oscillation

  3. Depletion oscillation

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

Any oscillation in which the amplitude of the oscillating quantity decreases with time is termed as damped oscilaation

The amplitude of a damped oscillator becomes $\dfrac {1}{27}$ of initial value after $6\ minutes$. Its amplitude after $2\ minutes$ is:

  1. $\dfrac {A _{0}}{3}$

  2. $\dfrac {A _{0}}{9}$

  3. $\dfrac {A _{0}}{54}$

  4. $\dfrac {A _{0}}{81}$

Correct Option: A

Vibration measurement is done by

  1. Vibrometer

  2. Accelerometer

  3. Balometer

  4. Photometer

Correct Option: A

In damped vibrations, as time progresses, amplitude of oscillation

  1. decreases

  2. increases

  3. Remains same

  4. Data insufficient

Correct Option: A

In damped oscillations, the relation of amplitude of oscillations with time is given by $y={ y } _{ o }{ e }^{ -bt }=\frac { { y } _{ o } }{ { e }^{ -bt } } $, where
${ y } _{ o }=$ initial amplitude of oscillation
$b=$damping constant
since $b>0\quad & \quad t>0;$
${ e }^{ bt }>1\ { \Rightarrow e }^{ -bt }<1\ { \Rightarrow { y } _{ o }e }^{ -bt }<{ y } _{ o }\ \Rightarrow y<{ y } _{ o }$
which means that as the time progress, its amplitude will decrease.

In damped oscillatory motion a block of mass 400g is suspended to a spring of force constant 90 N/m in a medium and damping constant is 80g/s. Find time taken for its mechanical energy to drop to half of its initial value 

  1. 4.65 s

  2. 3.465 s

  3. 5 s

  4. 5.46 S

Correct Option: B