Tag: component of the cell

Questions Related to component of the cell

The structure that are involved in the manufacture and supply of energy to the cell are:

  1. Centroies

  2. Nucleoius

  3. Pestide

  4. Mitochondria

Correct Option: D

Mitochondria is responsible for manufacturing and supplying chemical energy by releasing energy stored in food molecules and synthesising ATP. It is called the power house of the cell. 

So, the correct option is 'Mitochondria'.

Which of the following cells kill virus infected cells ?

  1. NK cells

  2. $T _K$ cells

  3. B - lymphocytes

  4. Both (1) and (2)

Correct Option: A

$\beta$-TGF promotes and is useful in

  1. new Angiogenesis

  2. Epidermal growth

  3. wound healing and burns

  4. all of these

Correct Option: A

The function of bulliform cells is to.

  1. These are present in some desertic grasses

  2. These are large and empty

  3. Reduce the rate of transpiration

  4. Perform nitrogen fixation

Correct Option: A

Assume a spherical mammalian cell has diameter of 27 $\mu m$, If a polypeptide chain with alpha helical canfoemation has to stretch across the cell, how many amino acids should it comprise of: 

  1. 18000

  2. 27000

  3. 1800

  4. 12000

Correct Option: A

No. of amino acid in one term in α helix = 3.6

Pitch length for α Helix = 5.4 Aº  
The No. of Amino acid in polypeptide
= 1.8 x $10^4$ Amino acid = 18000 amino acid
Thus A is the correct answer.

Branched sclerenchyma occurring as isolated cells scattered in any tissue are called.

  1. Libriform fibers

  2. Tracheidal cells

  3. Idioblasts

  4. Stone cells

Correct Option: A

Auxospores are formed by _____________.

  1. Diatoms

  2. Dimities

  3. Deuteromycetes

  4. Decomposing bacteria

Correct Option: A

Auxospore. In certain species of diatoms, auxospores are specialised cells that are produced at key stages in their cell cycle or life history.  Auxospores can also play a role in sexual reproduction in diatoms, and may be formed after haploid gametes fuse to form a diploid zygote.

Thus the correct option is A. 

Which of the following is codons codes for proline.

  1. CCC, CCU, CCG

  2. UCC, UGU, CCU

  3. CUG, CUU, CUA

  4. CGC, CGG, CCA

Correct Option: A

Axenic culture is best defined as 

  1. Cell cultures

  2. Cell cultures free from micro-organisms

  3. Cell cultures of insectivorous plants

  4. Cell cultures free from other micro-organisms

Correct Option: D

Secretion, endocytosis, division and formation of intercellular junctions are functions of cells due to

  1. Flip-flop movement of proteins

  2. Fluid nature of lipid and proteins

  3. Quassi-fluid nature of lipids

  4. Vertical movement of lipid and proteins

Correct Option: B