Tag: circulation of ocean water

Questions Related to circulation of ocean water

As the speed of the wind increases, the strength of the wave ____________.

  1. increase

  2. decrease

  3. remains same

  4. became calm

Correct Option: A

Waves in the sea surface are generated by the action of the wind. The height of the wind waves increases with the increasing wind speed and with increasing duration and fetch of the wind. As the speed of the wind increases, the strength of the wave also increases.

In the ocean, water moves horizontally over vast areas due to _____________.

  1. temperature difference

  2. density

  3. waves

  4. slope of ocean floor

Correct Option: C

Waves are actually the energy, not the water as such, which moves across the ocean surface. Water particles only travel in a small circle as a wave passes. Wind provides energy to the waves. Wind causes waves to travel in the ocean and the energy is released on shorelines. Thus, it is due to waves only that water moves horizontally over vast areas.

Water waves are a manifestation of ______ moving through the ocean.

  1. Heat

  2. Density

  3. Energy

  4. Velocity

Correct Option: C

Waves are actually the energy, not the water as such, which moves across the ocean surface. Water particles only travel in a small circle as a wave passes. Wind provides energy to the waves. Wind causes waves to travel in the ocean and the energy is released on shorelines.

Beaches are formed due to the action of ________.

  1. tide

  2. current

  3. wave

  4. wind

Correct Option: C

Each day how many high and low tides are there?

  1. 2 high tides and 2 low tides

  2. 1 high tide and 2 low tides

  3. 2 high tides and 1 low tide

  4. 1 high tide and 1 low tide

Correct Option: A

2 low tides and 2 high tides are experienced every lunar day, 

i.e., 24 hours and 50 minutes.

What are known as Spring Tides?

  1. When sun and moon are aligned causes strong high and low tides

  2. When sun and moon are not aligned causes strong high and low tides

  3. When sun and moon are aligned causes only low tides

  4. When sun and moon are not aligned causes only high tides

Correct Option: A

Tide with the greatest difference between the high and low tide, 

that occurs just after a new or full moon is a spring tide.

A stone drop from height 'h' reaches at earth surface in 1 sec. If the some stone taken to moon and drop freely from height h then it will reaches at the surface of moon in the time:

  1. $\sqrt { 6 } sec$

  2. 9 sec

  3. $\sqrt { 3 } sec$

  4. 6 sec

Correct Option: A

When does spring tides occur?

  1. During full moon and new moon

  2. During quarter moon

  3. Only during full moon

  4. Only during new moon

Correct Option: A

Tide with the greatest difference between the high and low tide, that occurs just after a new or full moon is a spring tide.

Offshore, in the deep ocean the difference in tides is usually less than: 

  1. 1.5 feet

  2. 1.6 feet

  3. 1.4 feet

  4. 1.3 feet

Correct Option: B

Offshore in the deep ocean the difference in tides is usually less than 1.6 feet. The highest tides can however have a range of 44.6 feet, observed in the Bay of Fundy, Canada.

Tides are not caused by the direct pull of the moon's gravity. Is the statement true or False

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

Tides are the result of the gravitation pull of the Moon on the Earth's water body.