Tag: properties of matter

Questions Related to properties of matter

What is the change in surface energy, when a mercury drop of radius $r$ splits up into 1000 droplets of radius $r$?

  1. $8pr^2t$

  2. $28pr^2t$

  3. $16pr^2t$

  4. $36pr^2t$

Correct Option: D

Let bigger drop has radius $R$

Volume will remain same. 
 $\dfrac{4}{3}\pi R^3 = 1000\times \dfrac{4}{3} \pi r^3  \implies   r= \dfrac{R}{10}$

Change in surface energy-
 $A _2T - A _1T = 1000\times 4\pi r^2T-4\pi R^2T=4\pi[10R^2-R^2]T=36\pi R^2T$

Two soap bubbles have radii in the ratio of $4:3$. What is the ratio of work done to blow these bubbles?

  1. 4:3

  2. 16:9

  3. 9:16

  4. 3:4

Correct Option: B

Work done to brust a soap bubble is change in surface energy which is equal surface Tension $\times $ Area.

Workdone $\alpha $ Area $\alpha $ ${ r }^{ 2 }$
hence $\dfrac { { w } _{ 1 } }{ { w } _{ 2 } } =\dfrac { { r } _{ 1 }^{ 2 } }{ { r } _{ 2 }^{ 2 } } ={ \left( \dfrac { 4 }{ 3 }  \right)  }^{ 2 }=\dfrac { 16 }{ 9 } $

W is the work done, when a bubble of volume V is formed from a solution. How much work is required to be done to form a bubble of volume 2V?

  1. $2W$

  2. $W$

  3. $2^{1/3}W$

  4. $2^{2/3}W$

Correct Option: D

Let the radius of the bubble with volume $V$ be $  r$.

Then the radius of the bubble  with volume $2V$ is $2^{1/3}r$.
Work is only because of change in surface energy.
Ratio of work done =  Ratio of surface energy =Rratio of surface area 
$\dfrac{W _1}{W} = \dfrac{4\pi (2^{1/3}r)^2}{4\pi r^2} \implies W _1= 2^{2/3}W$

The surface energy of a liquid drop of radius r is proportional to:

  1. $r^3$

  2. $r^2$

  3. r

  4. $\dfrac {1}{r}$

Correct Option: B

 as we know that surface energy is proportional to surface area.


A mercury drop of radius 1 cm is broken into 106 droplets of equal size. The work done is

$(T = 35 10^{-2} N/m)$

  1. $1.615\times 10^{-3}J$

  2. $4.35\times 10^{-4}J$

  3. $1.615\times 10^{-6}J$

  4. $4.35\times 10^{-8}J$

Correct Option: A

Let the radius of smaller drop be r, so

$\dfrac{4\pi (1)^2}{3}=106\dfrac{4\pi r^3}{3}$
$r=0.21cm=0.21\times 10^{-2}m$
work done is $W=T(dA)=T(106\times 4\pi (0.21\times 10^{-2})^2-4\pi (1\times 10^{-2})^2)$
here $T=35\times 10^{-2}$
$W=1615\times 10^{-6}J$

Surface tension of a soap solution is $1.9 10^{-2} N/m.$ Work done in blowing a bubble of 2.0cm diameter will be

  1. $7.6 10^{-6} J$

  2. $15.2 10^{-6} J$

  3. $16 10^{-6} J$

  4. $2.5 10^{-6} J$

Correct Option: B

Work done = Change in surface energy

                   = Surface Tension $\times $ Area
                   $= 1.910 \times $ $4\pi \times { \left( 2\times { 10 }^{ -2 } \right)  }^{ 2 }$
workdone = $15.2\times { 10 }^{ -6 } J$.

The surface tension of a soap solution is $0.035 N/m$. the energy needed to increase the radius of the bubble from $4$ cm to $6$ cm is

  1. $1.75\times 10^{-3} J$

  2. $1.510^{-2} J$

  3. $310^{-3} J$

  4. $1.510^{-4} J$

Correct Option: A

There are two free surface available in bubble.

Change in surface area $\Delta A = 2(4\pi R _f^2 - 4\pi R _i^2)$
Energy needed to change radius from 4 to 6 is 

$W=T \Delta A=T\times 2(4\pi R _f^2-4\pi R _i^2)$
$W=.035\times 2\times 4\pi((6\times 10^{-2})^2-(4\times 10^{-2})^2)$
$W=1.75\times 10^{-3}J$

Two drops of a liquid are merged to from a single drop. In this process-

  1. Energy is released

  2. Energy is absorbed

  3. Energy remains constant

  4. First B then A

Correct Option: A

It is nature of free surface to always minimize the surface tension; Hence when two bubble fuse then energy is released due to decrease in surface Tension.

Two soap bubbles of radii 4 cm and 3 cm respectively coalesce under isothermal conditions to form a single bubble. What is the radius of the new single bubble?

  1. $3 cm$

  2. $4 cm$

  3. $5 cm$

  4. $6 cm$

Correct Option: C
Radius of first soap bubble, $r _1 = 4 cm$
Radius of second soap bubble, $r _2 = 3 cm$
$P _1 = \dfrac{4T}{(r _1)^2}, V _1 = \dfrac{4}{3} \pi (r _1)^3$ be the excess pressure inside first soap bubble and volume of first soap bubble respectively.  
$P _2 = \dfrac{4T}{(r _2)^2}, V _2 = \dfrac{4}{3} \pi (r _2)^3$ be the excess pressure inside second soap bubble and volume of second soap bubble respectively. 
And $P = \dfrac{4T}{r^2}, V _2 = \dfrac{4}{3} \pi r^3$be the excess pressure inside new soap bubble, volume and radius of new soap bubble respectively. 
The two bubbles combine isothermally hence,
$PV = P _1 V _1 + P _2 V _2$

$\dfrac{4T}{r} \dfrac{4}{3} \pi r^3 = \dfrac{4T}{(r _1)} \dfrac{4}{3} \pi (r _1)^3 + \dfrac{4T}{(r _2)} \dfrac{4}{3} \pi (r _2)^3$

$r^2 = (r _1)^2 + (r _2)^2$
$r = \sqrt ((r _1)^2 + (r _2)^2)$
$r = \sqrt ((4)^2 +(3)^2)$
$r = \sqrt 25$
$r = 5 cm$

A square frame of length $L$ is immersed in soap solution and taken out. The force experienced by the square plate is

  1. $TL$

  2. $2TL$

  3. $4TL$

  4. $8TL$

Correct Option: D

As force applied by tension will be from outer side and from inner side as well.

Total length $L' = 2(4L) = 8L$
So  $F = L'T =  8TL$