Tag: evs

Questions Related to evs

The circulation of water between ocean, land and atmosphere is known as :

  1. rain cycle

  2. water cycle

  3. oxygen cycle

  4. life cycle

Correct Option: B

The circulation of water between ocean, land and atmosphere is known as the water cycle.

Where does the energy that powers the water cycle come from?

  1. plants

  2. the sun

  3. animals

  4. electrical outlets

Correct Option: B

 The energy that powers the water cycle come from the sun.

As the rain water is the purest form of water, this can be used in lab due to:

  1. presence of ions

  2. absence of ions

  3. smells good

  4. easily available

Correct Option: B

Rain water is the purest form of water as it does not contain any minerals, ions, dust particles etc. thus it can be used in lab.

The ultimate source of water on the earth is 

  1. oceans and seas

  2. spring and wells

  3. rivers and lakes

  4. rain

Correct Option: A

The main source of water for inland lakes is:

  1. snow

  2. sea water

  3. ground water

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

The main source of water for inland lakes is ground water.

Ground water is water present beneath eorths surface in soil spaces and in the fractures of rock formations.

 Which of the following is not a source of potable water?

  1. Well

  2. River

  3. Lake

  4. Sea

Correct Option: D

Potable water means drinking water. Well, river and lake contain drinking water as these all contain either rainwater and groundwater which is suitable for drinking. The sea which contains salty water that is not suitable for drinking is not a source of potable water.

The water cycle is driven by the:

  1. moon

  2. sun

  3. oceans

  4. clouds

Correct Option: B

The water cycle is driven by the sun.

As the water cycle is driven by the energy provided by the sun.
As evaporation is caused by the sunlight which is a major process of water cycle.
So water cycle is majorly driven by the sun.

The water in the oceans and seas has many ______ dissolved in its.

  1. bases

  2. iron

  3. acids

  4. salts

Correct Option: D

The water in the oceans and seas has many salts dissolved in it. The most abundant ions in sea water are $Cl^-, Na^+. SO _4^{2-}, Mg^{2+}, K^+$.

Well water is an example of surface water.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

True. Well water is an example of surface water because it appears on the surface and it is not ground water.

Which of the following is correct?

  1. Ocean water is fit for agricultural and industrial needs

  2. Oceans play an important role in supplying the water that we use

  3. Ocean water is not saline

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

Option B is correct.

Oceans play an important role in supplying the water that we use.