Tag: complement of sets

Questions Related to complement of sets

State True or False:  $(A\cup B)'=A'\cap B'$

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

We have the De Morgan's theorem,

i) $(A\cup B)=A'\cap B'$
ii) $( A\cap B)=A' \cup B'$.
The given identity is the first one.
Hence the this statement is  true.

For any two sets A and  B $A-(B\cup C)=(A-B)\cap (A-C)$

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

As we know that 
$A-B=A\cap B^{C}$
For  the sets $A,B$ and $C$
$A-(B\cup C)=A\cap (B\cup C)^{C}=A\cap (B^{C}\cap C^{C})=(A\cap B^{C})\cap (A\cap C^{C})=(A-B)\cap (A-C)$

$AB=A$ and $BA=B$, then which of the following is not true?

  1. $A$ is idempotent matrix

  2. $B$ is idempotent matrix

  3. ${A}^{T}$ is idempotent matrix

  4. None of these

Correct Option: D
$AB=A\implies B=I;BA=B\implies A=I\implies A=B=I;A,B,A^{T}$ are idempotent.

For any two sets  A and B $A\cup B=A\cap B$ if A$=$B.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

$A\cup B=B-A+A-B+A\cap B\\implies B-A=A-B=\phi \implies A=B$

If $A$ and $B$ are subsets of $U$ such that $n(U) = 700, n(A) = 200, n(B) = 300, n$$\displaystyle \left ( A\cap B \right )$ $= 100$, then find $n\displaystyle \left ( A'\cap B' \right )$

  1. $405$

  2. $305$

  3. $400$

  4. $300$

Correct Option: D

We know that $\displaystyle \left ( A\cup B \right )'=$ $\displaystyle A'\cap B'$ so we need to find $\displaystyle \left ( A\cup B \right ) $  first.
$n\displaystyle \left ( A\cup B \right ) =$ $n(A) + n(B) - n$$\displaystyle (A\cap B)$ $= 200 + 300 - 100 = 400$
$n\displaystyle \left ( A\cup B \right )' =$ $n(U) - n$$\displaystyle \left ( A\cup B \right )'=$$  700 - 400 = 300$
$\displaystyle \Rightarrow $ $n\displaystyle (A'\cap B')$$= 300$.

If A has 5 elements and B has 8 elements such that $\displaystyle A\subset B,$ then the number of elements in $\displaystyle A\cap  B,$ and $\displaystyle A\cup  B,$ are respectively :

  1. 8 , 5

  2. 3 , 3

  3. 5, 8

  4. 5, 13

Correct Option: C

Since $A\subset B$, $A\cap B$ will be all the elements of A. So, the number of elements will be 5.
Since $A\subset B$, $A\cup B$ will be all the elements of A & B. So, the number of elements will be 8.

While preparing the progress reports of the students, the class teacher found that $70$% of the students passed in Hindi, $80$% passed in English and only $65$% passed in both the subjects. Find out the percentage of students who failed in both the subjects

  1. $15$%

  2. $20$%

  3. $30$%

  4. $35$%

Correct Option: A

Students passed in Hindi $ = 70\% =n(H)$

Students passed in English $ = 80\% =n(E)$

Students passed in Both $ = 65\% =n(H\cap E)$

No. of students passed $=n(H \cup E)= n(H)+n(E)-n(H \cap E) = 70+80-65 =85\%$

No. of Students failed $= 100\% - n(H \cup E) = 100\% - 85\% = 15\%$

In a science talent examination, $50$% of the candidates fail in Mathematics and $50$% fail in Physics. If $20$% fail in both these subjects, then the percentage who pass in both Mathematics and Physics is

  1. $0$%

  2. $20$%

  3. $25$%

  4. $50$%

Correct Option: B

Fail: $n(M) =50\%$

$n(P) =50\%$

$n(M \cap P) =20\%$

$n(M\cup P) =n(M)+n(P)-n(M\cap P)$

$n(M\cup P) =50+50-20 = 80\%$


n(Pass in both subjects) $=100\%$ -n(Fail in both the subjects)

$=100\% -80\% = 20\%$

$(A\cup B)^{'} = A^{'} \cap B^{'}$ is called ____________ law.

  1. Associative

  2. Commutative

  3. De Morgan's

  4. Distribute

Correct Option: C

$(A\cup B)' = A'\cap B'$ is called De Morgan's law.

In a survey, it was fond that $65$% of the people watched news on TV, $40$% read in newspaper, $25$% read newspaper and watched TV. What percentage of people neither watched TV nor read newspaper?

  1. $0$%

  2. $5$%

  3. $10$%

  4. $20$%

Correct Option: D

n(Watch new on TV) $=65\%=n(T)$

n(Reads newspaper) $=40\%=n(N)$

n(Watch news on TV & read newspapers ) $=25\%=n(T\cap N)$

$n(N \cup T)= n(T)+n(N)-n(N\cap T)$

$n(N \cup T)= 65+40-25 = 80\%$

$n(N\cap T)^{c}=100-80=20\%$