Tag: organization of life

Questions Related to organization of life

Prokaryotic and eukaryotic flagella differ in

  1. Type of movement and position

  2. Microtubular organisation and function

  3. Location and mode of functioning

  4. Microtubular organisation and type of movement.

Correct Option: D

Prokaryotic and eukaryotic flagella have the same function in the organism. They both are located on the cell membrane. However, they differ in their structure and dynamics. Eukaryotic flagella are microtubule-based structures. They are attached to the cell at the cell membrane by basal bodies. Prokaryotic flagella are located outside of the plasma membrane. Prokaryotic flagella show rotatory movement. Whereas eukaryotic flagella show lashing movement. The movement of prokaryotic flagella is proton-driven whereas the movement of eukaryotic flagella is ATP driven. Eukaryotic flagella show 9 + 2 microtubules arrangement.

Thus, the correct answer is option D.