Tag: non-metals

Questions Related to non-metals

Out of the alloys given below which one contains a non-metal?

  1. Brass

  2. Bronze

  3. Stainless steel

  4. Solder

Correct Option: B

When Amrita was asked to pick up a few articles from a collection, she picked up the following:
Wooden scale, glass test tube, paper basket.

Which article is she most likely to pick up next?

  1. Steel cup

  2. Iron chain

  3. Rubber gloves

  4. Copper wire

Correct Option: C

Wooden scale, glass test tube, paper basket are all non-metals and a poor conductor of electricity and Rubber gloves are similar to these. Also if she is doing any lab work as Wooden scale, glass test tube, paper basket are usually composed of carrying out some experiment then she would need a rubber glove.

Hence, option C is correct.

In the native state, gold is present :

  1. as a mixture with a metal

  2. in free state

  3. as a mixture with a non metal

  4. as a mixture with a compound

Correct Option: B

Very few metals exist in the free or native state. Only metals like gold, platinum and mercury are occasionally found in the free state, i.e., in the pure form.

The most abundant element in the universe is:

  1. helium

  2. oxygen

  3. silicon

  4. hydrogen

Correct Option: D

Hydrogen is more plentiful than any other element making up about 3/4th the mass of the universe. Helium is second making up almost all of the remaining $25\%$. Oxygen is third most abundant element of universe. On earth, oxygen is the most common element making up about $47\%$ of earth's mass.

The metallic element present in chlorophyll is:

  1. $Hg$

  2. $Fe$

  3. $Mg$

  4. $Ni$

Correct Option: C

1) Chlorophyll contains a magnesium ion, encased in a large ring structure known as a chlorine.

 2) The chlorine ring is a heterocyclic compound derived from pyrrole. 

3) Four Nitrogen atoms from the chlorine surround and bind the magnesium atom.

Calcium occurs as a/an___________.
(a) oxide ore (b) halide ore (c) carbonate ore (d) sulphide ore

  1. a, b

  2. b, c

  3. a, d

  4. c, d

Correct Option: B

Calcium occurs as carbonate in limestone $(CaCO _{3})$ and as flouride in flourspar $(CaF _{2})$.

Halide ores are seen for:

  1. sodium

  2. calcium

  3. both $A$ and $B$

  4. none of the above

Correct Option: C

Sodium occurs as chloride in rock salt, $(NaCl)$ and calcium occurs as fluoride in flourspar $(CaF _{2})$.

Copper occurs as a/an_________.
(A) oxide ore (B) halide ore (C) carbonate ore (D) sulphide ore

  1. a, b

  2. a, c

  3. b, c

  4. a, d

Correct Option: D

Copper occurs as an oxide ore as cuprite $(Cu _{2}O)$ and as sulphide ore as copper glance $(Cu _{2}S)$.

An element $X$ has electronic configuration $(2,\,8,\,8,\,2)$. Then $X$ is:

  1. noble gas.

  2. metal.

  3. non-metal.

  4. metalloid.

Correct Option: B

The element $X$ is calcium with atomic number 20 and electronic configuration (2,8,8,2). It has 2 valence electron.

An element which posses luster and are good conductor of electricity are:

  1. metalloid

  2. non-metal

  3. metal

  4. alloys

Correct Option: C

Metal are defined as those element which posses luster, are malleable and ductile and good conductor of electricity. They are hard and have high density.