Tag: non-metals

Questions Related to non-metals

Which metal is found in liquid state at room temperature?

  1. Iron

  2. Zinc

  3. Mercury

  4. Aluminium

Correct Option: C

Generally all the metals are found in the solid state at room temperature. The exception to this is mercury. Mercury is found in liquid state at room temperature. Whereas non metals are found in the 3 states at room temperature $i.e.$ solid, liquid and gas.

The metal reacting readily with cold water is:

  1. gold

  2. mercury

  3. sodium

  4. magnesium

Correct Option: C

 Which of the following is the best electrical conductor?

  1. Gold

  2. Silver

  3. Copper

  4. Aluminium

Correct Option: B

The most electrically conductive element is silver, followed by copper and gold. Silver also has the highest thermal conductivity of any element and the highest light reflectance.  Because silver tarnishes, it is less desirable for high frequencies because the exterior surface is less conductive.
As to why silver is the best conductor, the answer is that its electrons are freer to move than those of the other elements. This has to do with its valence and crystal structure.

The most abundant metal in earth's crust is: 

  1. iron

  2. magnesium

  3. calcium

  4. aluminium

Correct Option: D

Aluminium is the most abundant metal in earth's crust with $\text{percentage by weight = 8.23%}$ followed by iron with $\text{5.63% by weight }$.

Hence, answer is option $D$.

The most abundant element in earth's crust is:

  1. hydrogen

  2. oxygen

  3. nitrogen

  4. silicon

Correct Option: B

The most abundant element in earth's crust is oxygen with$\text{ Percent by weight = 46.1% followed by aluminium with 8.23% by weight.}$
Hence, the answer is option $B$.

Metal is not used in making pen.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

Ans: (B) False

Metals or metals alloys are used to make pen body.
Eg: Aluminium is used in some cases to make the pen body and stainless steel can be used to make pen components.
Precious metals such as gold, silver also used for Expensive pens.

Find the odd one out from the following:
Aluminium, iron, copper, silver, iron, brass, sand and shirt 

  1. iron and copper

  2. brass and silver

  3. aluminium and sand

  4. sand and shirt

Correct Option: D

Ans : (D) Sand and Shirt

Note : Sand $\rightarrow$ it is composition of $SiO _{2}, Al _{2}O _{3}, K _{2}O, ....$ etc. which posses metal properties.
Above all pair posses metal properties except sand and shirt.
Shirt is non-metal (made up of fabric).

Gallium and mercury are

  1. Liquid non metals

  2. Solid metals

  3. Liquid metals

  4. Solid mettaloids

Correct Option: C

Metals exists as solids at room temperature but Gallium and mercury are  liquid metals.
They Exists as liquids at room temparature.
Hence option C is correct.

Which of the following is liquid non metal?

  1. Bromine

  2. Sulfur

  3. Aluminum

  4. Carbon

Correct Option: A

Non metals are generally solids and gases. They do not exist as liquids except Bromine. Bromine is liquid. Hence, option A is correct.

The density of non metals is _____ when compared with metals.

  1. High

  2. Same

  3. Low

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: C

The density of non metals isl ow when compared with  metals as metals are solids and non metals are liquids and gases(Generally solids are more denser than liquids and gases).
Hence option C is correct.