Tag: electric current and its effects

Questions Related to electric current and its effects

A table lamp of power 60 W consumed 9 (commercial) units of electricity in the month of April. For how many hours per day, on an average, was the lamp in use?

  1. $1\ h$

  2. $3\ h$

  3. $5\ h$

  4. $6\ h$

Correct Option: C

$9\ units = 9kWh$
For the month of April (30 days), we get an average of $ \cfrac{9000}{30} =300 Wh$ energy per day.
For an appliance of $60\ W$, this clearly corresponds to $ t = \cfrac{E}{P} = \cfrac{300}{60} = 5\ h $

An air conditioner is rated $240\ V, 1.5\ kW$. The air conditioner is switched on $8\ hrs$ each day. What is electrical energy consumed in $30\ days$?

  1. $2.88\ kWh$

  2. $360\ kWh$

  3. $120\ kWh$

  4. $240\ kWh$

Correct Option: B

Energy consumed is given by:

$E= Pt$
    $= 1.5 KW \times  30 \times 8 hrs= 360 KWh $

Two electric bulbs rated ${P} _{1}$ and  watt at $V$ volt are connected in series across $V$ volt mains, then their total power consumption $P$ is

  1. $\left( { P } _{ 1 }+{ P } _{ 2 } \right) $

  2. $\sqrt { { P } _{ 1 }{ P } _{ 2 } } $

  3. $\dfrac {P _{1}+P _{2}}{2} $

  4. $\dfrac {P _{1}P _{2}}{P _{1}+P _{2}} $

Correct Option: C

Resistance of Ist bulb $={ R } _{ 1 }=\cfrac { { V }^{ 2 } }{ { P } _{ 1 } } $
Resistance of IInd bulb $={ R } _{ 2 }=\cfrac { { V }^{ 2 } }{ { P } _{ 2 } } $
when both bulbs are connected in series
$\quad { R } _{ eq }={ V }^{ 2 }\left[ \cfrac { 1 }{ { P } _{ 1 } } +\cfrac { 1 }{ { P } _{ 2 } }  \right] =\cfrac { { V }^{ 2 }\left( { P } _{ 1 }+{ P } _{ 2 } \right)  }{ { P } _{ 1 }{ P } _{ 2 } } $
Hence, power consumed $P=\cfrac { { V }^{ 2 } }{ R } =\cfrac { { V }^{ 2 } }{ { V }^{ 2 }\left( \cfrac { { P } _{ 1 }+{ P } _{ 2 } }{ { P } _{ 1 }{ P } _{ 2 } }  \right)  } =\cfrac { { P } _{ 1 }{ P } _{ 2 } }{ { P } _{ 1 }+{ P } _{ 2 } } \quad $

An electric bulb is connected to a $20$ V battery of negligible internal resistance. The resistance offered by the bulb is $5$ $\Omega$. The electrical energy consumed by the bulb in $3$ hours is _____ kWh.

  1. $0.12$

  2. $0.24$

  3. $0.06$

  4. $0.03$

Correct Option: B

Power consumed by bulb is $P=\dfrac{V^2}{R}$

Energy$=E=Pt=\dfrac{V^2}{R}t=\dfrac{20^2}{5}W\times 3h$

$\implies E=240Wh=0.24kWh$


What should be the bill for the month of April for a heater of resistance 60.5 $\Omega$ connected 220 V mains, The cost of energy is Rs 2 per kWh and the heater is used for 3 hours daily?

  1. $Rs\ 144$

  2. $Rs\ 222$

  3. $Rs\ 662$

  4. $Rs\ 238$

Correct Option: A

Power of heater $=P=\dfrac{V^2}{R}$

Energy used in one month$=E=Pt=\dfrac{V^2}{R}\times 3\times 30$

$\implies E=\dfrac{220\times 220}{60.5}\times 90Wh=\dfrac{484\times 9}{60.5}kWh=72kWh$

Hence cost$=72\times 2=Rs144$


Laws of heating is given by :

  1. Joule

  2. Ohm

  3. Maxwell

  4. Faraday

Correct Option: A

Answer is A.

The heat which is produced due to the flow of  current   within an electric wire, is expressed in Joules.
James Prescott Joule was an English physicist who studied the nature of heat and established its relationship to mechanical work. He therefore laid the foundation for the theory of conservation of energy, which later influenced the First Law of Thermodynamics. He also formulated the Joules laws which deal with the transfer of energy.

An electric fan is switched on in a closed room. The air in the room is 

  1. cooled

  2. heated

  3. maintains its temperature

  4. heated or cooled depending on the atmosphere

Correct Option: B

If an electric fan is switched on in a closed room, the air will be heated because due to motion of the fan, the speed of air molecules will increase. In fact, we feel cold due to evaporation of our sweat

Law of heating was given by

  1. Joule

  2. Ohm

  3. Maxwell

  4. Faraday

Correct Option: A

Laws of heating were given by Joule.

Heat produced in the resistor: $H = I^2Rt$

According to Joule's Law, Which of the quantities do not affect heat produced in a resistor?

  1. Current

  2. Resistance

  3. Resistivity

  4. Temperature

Correct Option: D

By Joule's Law, heat produced

$Q = I^2Rt$
Also, $R = \rho l /A$
Hence, no role of temperature

A/C to Joule's law

  1. W=JQ

  2. W=Ft

  3. W=It

  4. W=IR

Correct Option: A

According to Joule's law,       $W = JQ$

where, $W$ is work done,
             $J$ is Mechanical equivalent of work
            $Q$ is the heat produced