Tag: maths

Questions Related to maths

Which of the following are the three digit numbers that can be formed by using $0, 1$ and $2$ only once.

  1. $102$

  2. $201$

  3. $012$

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A,B

Three digit numbers that can be formed from 0, 1 and 2 are $102$ and $201$.
So, (c) is not a three digit number.

So, options A and B are correct.

The greatest number formed by $9, 8$ and $7$ is

  1. $987$

  2. $789$

  3. $897$

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A
The 3 digit numbers formed by $9, 8$ and $7$ are $987, 978, 897, 879, 798$ and $789$.
The greatest number is $987$.
So. option A is correct.

The smallest three digit number formed by the digits $2, 0$ and $3$.

  1. $203$

  2. $032$

  3. $302$

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

The numbers formed by $2, 0$ and $3$ are $203, 302, 023, 320, 230$ and $032$.

The smallest 3 digit number formed is $203$.
So, option A is correct.

Find the correct option such that the formation of $3$ numbers, using three digit number $128$? (Without repeating the numbers)

  1. $281, 221$ and $182$

  2. $281, 851$ and $182$

  3. $681, 821$ and $182$

  4. $281, 821$ and $182$

Correct Option: D

$128$ can be written using the general form $abc = 100 \times  a + 10 \times  b + c$
By changing the alphabetic orders of $a, b, c$, we get $3$ more numbers from $3$ digit number.
Here, $281, 821$ and $182$ are formed from the $3$ digit number $128$.

Which of the following fractions is the largest?

  1. $\dfrac { 7 }{ 8 } $

  2. $\dfrac { 13 }{ 16 } $

  3. $\dfrac { 31 }{ 40 } $

  4. $\dfrac { 63 }{ 80 } $

Correct Option: A

L.C.M. of $8$, $16$, $40$ and $80 = 80$.
$\dfrac { 7 }{ 8 } =\dfrac { 70 }{ 80 }$; $\dfrac { 13 }{ 16 } =\dfrac { 65 }{ 80 }$; $\dfrac { 31 }{ 40 } =\dfrac { 62 }{ 80 } $

Since, $\dfrac { 70 }{ 80 } > \dfrac { 65 }{ 80 } > \dfrac { 63 }{ 80 } > \dfrac { 62 }{ 80 } $

       So $\dfrac { 7 }{ 8 } > \dfrac { 13 }{ 16 } > \dfrac { 63 }{ 80 } > \dfrac { 31 }{ 40 } $
      $\therefore$ $\dfrac { 7 }{ 8 } $ is the largest.

Which of the following fractions is greater than $\dfrac { 3 }{ 4 } $ and less than $\dfrac { 5 }{ 6 } $?

  1. $\dfrac { 1 }{ 2 } $

  2. $\dfrac { 2 }{ 3 } $

  3. $\dfrac { 4 }{ 5 } $

  4. $\dfrac { 9 }{ 10 } $

Correct Option: C

$\dfrac { 3 }{ 4 } =0.75,\quad \dfrac { 5 }{ 6 } =0.833,\quad \dfrac { 1 }{ 2 } =0.5,\quad \dfrac { 2 }{ 3 } =0.66,\quad \dfrac { 4 }{ 5 } =0.8,\quad \dfrac { 9 }{ 10 } =0.9$.

Clearly, $0.8$ lies between $0.75$ and $0.833$.

$\therefore \dfrac { 4 }{ 5 } $ lies between $\dfrac { 3 }{ 4 } $ and $\dfrac { 5 }{ 6 } $.

The smallest three-digit number using the digits $3, 9, 7, 8, 6$ (repetition not allowed) is

  1. $387$

  2. $367$

  3. $389$

  4. $386$

Correct Option: B


Smallest three digit number will be formed my smallest of the three digits from the given ones, i.e. $3,6,7$

Smallest three digits number possible $= 367$

A three digit number from the given digits $2, 5, 7,9$ which divisible by 2.

  1. $257$

  2. $925$

  3. $527$

  4. $752$

Correct Option: D

Consider the given digits.

$2, 5, 7, 9$

If a number which is divided by $2$, then the units digit must be even.

So, from the given options there is only one option which has unit digit $2$.

Hence, the three digit number will be $752$.

Hence, this is the answer.

Let the given digits be $2, 3, 6,7$, find the greatest three digit number that can be formed with using the given digits only once.

  1. $763$

  2. $736$

  3. $723$

  4. $732$

Correct Option: A


Greatest three digit number will be formed my largest of the three digits from the given ones, i.e. $7,6,3$

Greatest three digits number possible $= 763$

Form a three digits even number using the digits $7, 6, 9.$

  1. $796$

  2. $769$

  3. $976$

  4. $967$

Correct Option: A,C

the number formed using given digits are

Even numbers are $796,976$