Tag: sound

Questions Related to sound

The other name for larynx is

  1. voice processor

  2. voice modulator

  3. voice box

  4. voice generator

Correct Option: C

Since the function of the larynx is to generate sound, its other name is voice box.

In humans, the sound is produced by:

  1. larynx

  2. wind pipe

  3. vocal cords

  4. lungs

Correct Option: A

    Sound in human body  is produced by larynx , it is an organ in the neck which controls the pitch and volume of sound and also blocks food to go through trachea . 

We, humans, produce sound by using

  1. oesophagus

  2. larynx

  3. thyroid Gland

  4. mouth

Correct Option: B

Larynx is known as the voice box. It is located at the upper end of the windpipe. The vocal cords stretch the larynx in such a way that a passage is created between them. When air passes through this passage the vocal cords vibrate and produce sound.

What is the name of the strings which vibrate in our voice box when we talk?

  1. Oesophagus

  2. Pharyngeal slits

  3. Vocal cords

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

When we talk, vibrations are produced in our vocal cord. When we touch our throat we can feel the vibrations.

Wavelength is expressed in:

  1. $N$

  2. $erg$

  3. $dyne$

  4. $A^0$

Correct Option: D

Wavelength, being a quantity of dimension of length, is expressed in $A^0$, i.e., angstroms.

$1\ A^0=10^{-10}\ m$

The back and forth motion of an object is called

  1. vibration

  2. rotation

  3. translation

  4. linear motion

Correct Option: A

When a body moves constantly from one position to the other and back to the initial position, then this motion of the body is called vibration.

Sound is produced by vibration. Define vibration.

  1. Vibration is a rapid to and fro motion of the object.

  2. Vibration is a circular motion of the object.

  3. Vibration is a translational motion of the object.

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

Vibration is a rapid to and fro motion of the object. 

Which of the following will produce sound through vibration.

  1. A plastic scale when bent over the edge of a bench

  2. Saying 'Ah' for few seconds

  3. Plucking a rubber string by fingers

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

All vibration produces sound. In some cases vibrations are visible to our naked eyes but Observe that sound is produced by vibration in some cases they can only be felt not seen. In all the above activities sound can be produced.

Sound waves are mechanical waves.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

yes, sound waves are mechanical waves.

so the answer is A.

Vibrating bodies produce ........

  1. Sound

  2. Heat

  3. Light

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

all vibrating bodies produce sound

so the answer is A.