Tag: biogeochemical cycles

Questions Related to biogeochemical cycles

Which one of the following statements regarding CO gas is correct ?

  1. It is produced by the complete combustion of fossil fuels.

  2. It combines with haemoglobin to form carbamino-haemoglobin.

  3. It impairs oxygen transport resulting in giddiness, headache, asphyxia and even death.

  4. All of these

Correct Option: C

Carbon monoxide ( CO ) is produced due to incomplete combustion of fossil fuels, metallurgical operations, automobile emission, cigarette smoking. CO combines with haemoglobin, produces carboxyhaemoglobin which impairs oxygen transport resulting in headache, decreased vision, cardiovascular disease, asphyxia.

If the carbon atoms fixed by producers already have passed through three species, the tropic level of the last species would be.

  1. Scavenger

  2. Tertiary producer

  3. Tertiary consumer

  4. Secondary consumer

Correct Option: C

If the carbon atoms fixed by producer already have passed through three species then the trophic level of the last species(i.e., third species) would be tertiary consumer.
Producers $\rightarrow 1^o$ consumers $\rightarrow 2^o$ consumers $\rightarrow 3^o$ consumers.

Which of the following gases has role an important in maintaining atmospheric temperature?

  1. Nitrogen

  2. Oxygen

  3. Argon

  4. Carbon dioxide

Correct Option: D

Major 'reservoirs' of $CO _{2}$ are:

  1. Land, water, plants

  2. Fossil fuel, soil, , oceans

  3. Volcanic Eruption

  4. Deforestation

Correct Option: B

Affinity of hemoglobin for CO is two hundred times more considerable than

  1. $O _{2}$

  2. $CO _{2}$

  3. Sox

  4. Nox

Correct Option: A

The atomic no. of carbon is ________

  1. 5

  2. 6

  3. 12

  4. 14

Correct Option: B

The atomic no. of carbon is 6, The atomic no. of Boron is 5, The atomic no. of Magnesium is 12, The atomic no. of Silicon is 14.

The carbon cycle is the movement of carbon on Earth by the processes of --- and ---- .

  1. Plants and animals

  2. Respiration and photosynthesis

  3. Breathing in and breathing out

  4. Oxygen and carbon dioxide

Correct Option: B
Carbon exists in the atmosphere as the compound carbon dioxide. It first enters the ecological food web when photosynthetic organisms, such as plants and certain algae, absorb carbon dioxide through tiny pores in their leaves. The plants then "fix" or capture the carbon dioxide and are able to convert it into simple sugars like glucose through the biochemical process known as photosynthesis. Plants store and use this sugar to grow and to reproduce. Thus, by their very nature as makers of their own food, plants remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. When plants are eaten by animals, their carbon is passed on to those animals. Since animals cannot make their own food, they must get their carbon either directly by eating plants or indirectly by eating animals that have eaten plants.
Respiration is the process in which oxygen is used to break down organic compounds into carbon dioxide  (CO2) and water (H2O). For an animal then, respiration is both taking in oxygen (and releasing carbon dioxide) and oxidizing its food (or burning it with oxygen) in order to release the energy the food contains. In both cases, carbon is returned to the atmosphere as carbon dioxide.
So, the correct answer is 'Respiration and photosynthesis'.

In the earths crust carbon is found in the form of

  1. Carbonates

  2. Hydrogen carbonates

  3. Petroleum

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

In the Earths crust only 0.02% Carbon is found in the form of minerals like carbonates, hydrogen carbonates, coal and petroleum.

Burning of fossil fuels affects

  1. Nitrogen cycle

  2. Carbon cycle

  3. Phosphorus cycle

  4. Water cycle

Correct Option: B
Carbon dioxide is being added to the atmosphere through two types of processes,
(A) Biological i.e respiration and decomposition release carbon dioxide.
(B) Non biological i.e burning of biomass and fossil fuel release a lot of carbon dioxide. Thus burning of fossil fuels affect carbon cycle of nature
So, the correct answer is 'Carbon cycle'

Which of the owing statements regarding the maintenance of carbon cycle in the biosphere are correct?
a. Plant utilize solar energy to convert $CO _2$ and water into cellular materials and produce oxygen that animals consume.
b. Oxygen produced by the plants during carbon assimilation is not a byproduct.
c. Energy used by an animal comes from the oxidation of plant material releasing $CO _2$ that escapes into the atmosphere.
d. All decaying organic matter on the earth is ultimately degraded by molds and bacteria to yield $CO _2$ that escapes into the atmosphere.
Select the correct answer.

  1. $2, 3$ and $4$

  2. $1, 3$ and $4$

  3. $1$ and $2$

  4. $1, 2, 3$ and $4$

Correct Option: A