Tag: asp.net

Questions Related to asp.net

  1. System.Web.Control

  2. System.Web.RootBuilder

  3. System.Web.UserControl

  4. system.Web.UI.Page

Correct Option: D
  1. Page Events

  2. Page_Load

  3. Page_Unload

  4. Page_Init

Correct Option: C
  1. Init event

  2. PreInit event

  3. Load event

  4. Can be set only at design time.

Correct Option: B

To programmatically set a theme for a web page, the user needs to know the ASP.NET page life cycle events and how they are used to modify the page's behavior.

Now, let's go through each option and explain why it is right or wrong:

A. Init event: This event occurs when the page is initialized, and it is too early in the page life cycle to set the theme. This event is used to set the initial property values of controls on the page.

B. PreInit event: This event occurs after the page has been initialized but before it has been loaded, making it the ideal place to set the page theme programmatically. This means that option B is the correct answer.

C. Load event: This event occurs after the page has been loaded, which is too late to modify the page's theme. This event is used to perform any final initialization steps.

D. Can be set only at design time: This option is incorrect. While themes can be set at design time, they can also be set programmatically at run time using the PreInit event.

Therefore, the correct answer is:

The Answer is: B. PreInit event

  1. InProc

  2. in State Server

  3. in SQL Server

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

To answer this question, the user needs to know what session refers to in web development and the different ways in which session data can be stored.

In web development, session refers to a way of storing and maintaining user-specific data across multiple requests. This allows for a more personalized and customized user experience. Session data can be stored in different ways, including:

A. InProc: This option stores session data in memory on the web server. This is the default option in ASP.NET and is suitable for small-scale applications with a limited number of users. However, if the application is scaled up, this option may not be the best as it may lead to memory issues.

B. In State Server: This option stores session data in a separate process outside of the web server. This helps to reduce memory usage on the web server and allows for better scalability. However, it requires additional configuration and may impact performance.

C. In SQL Server: This option stores session data in a SQL Server database. This is a good option for large-scale applications with high traffic as it allows for better scalability and fault tolerance. However, it requires additional configuration and may impact performance.

D. None of the above: This option is incorrect as session data must be stored somewhere. If not in one of the above options, then it must be in a custom storage solution.

Therefore, the correct answer is:

The Answer is: A. InProc