Select the type Processing model that simulate

  1. Event-driven

  2. Static

  3. Linear

  4. Topdown

Correct Option: A

AI Explanation

To answer this question, you need to understand the different types of processing models.

Option A) Event-driven - This option is correct because ASP.NET simulates an event-driven processing model. In an event-driven model, the program responds to user actions or events, such as button clicks or mouse movements. ASP.NET uses events and event handlers to handle user interactions and perform the necessary processing.

Option B) Static - This option is incorrect because ASP.NET is not a static processing model. In a static model, the program follows a predetermined sequence of steps and does not respond to user actions or events.

Option C) Linear - This option is incorrect because ASP.NET does not follow a linear processing model. In a linear model, the program executes a series of steps in a sequential order without branching or looping.

Option D) Topdown - This option is incorrect because ASP.NET does not follow a top-down processing model. In a top-down model, the program starts with a high-level overview and progressively breaks it down into smaller steps or subroutines.

The correct answer is A) Event-driven. ASP.NET simulates an event-driven processing model, where the program responds to user actions or events.

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