Which is a type of procedure found in VB.Net?

  1. Event

  2. Function

  3. Sub

  4. Both a and b.

  5. All of the above.

Correct Option: E

To answer this question, the user needs to have some basic knowledge of VB.Net programming language and its concepts.

The answer is E. All of the above.


In VB.Net, there are two types of procedures: Functions and Subs. Both Functions and Subs are used to group a set of statements that perform a specific task.

Functions are procedures that return a value after performing a specific task. Functions are defined using the "Function" keyword.

Subs are procedures that do not return a value after performing a specific task. Subs are defined using the "Sub" keyword.

Events are not procedures, but rather they are actions that occur in response to user actions or system events. Events are used to trigger a specific action or set of actions in an application.

Therefore, option D is incorrect because Events are not a type of procedure in VB.Net. Option E is correct because both Functions and Subs are types of procedures found in VB.Net.

The answer is: E. All of the above.

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