Which selection process is an example of multiple branches from a single expression?

  1. If...Then

  2. Select Case

  3. Do...Loop

  4. For...Next

  5. All of the above.

Correct Option: B

To solve this question, the user needs to be familiar with the different types of selection structures in programming and their characteristics.

A. If...Then is a type of selection process that uses a single expression to determine which branch to take. This expression can be a Boolean expression, a variable, or a comparison operator. However, If...Then does not involve multiple branches from a single expression.

B. Select Case is a type of selection process that allows multiple branches from a single expression. Depending on the value of the expression, the program will execute the corresponding case statement. This allows for more efficient and organized code when dealing with multiple possible outcomes.

C. Do...Loop is a type of iteration process that allows a block of code to be executed repeatedly until a certain condition is met. It does not involve multiple branches from a single expression.

D. For...Next is a type of iteration process that allows a block of code to be executed for a specific number of times. It does not involve multiple branches from a single expression.

E. All of the above options describe different types of selection and iteration processes in programming, but only option B, Select Case, is an example of a selection process that involves multiple branches from a single expression.

Therefore, the correct answer is: The Answer is B.

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