Your application supports multiple client types including HTTP clients. Your business layer is implemented using Enterprise Java Beans. Which of the following is best suited for maintaining client state?

  1. Cookies

  2. Entity Beans

  3. HttpSession attributes

  4. Stateful session beans

  5. URL Rewriting

Correct Option: D

To maintain client state, the user needs to know the different options available and which option is best suited to the given scenario.

A. Cookies: Cookies are small text files that are stored on the client's computer. They can be used to store client state information, such as user preferences or session IDs. While cookies can be effective for maintaining state, they have some limitations, such as a limited storage capacity and the potential for security vulnerabilities.

B. Entity Beans: Entity beans are used to represent persistent data in a Java Enterprise Edition (JEE) application. They are not designed to maintain client state.

C. HttpSession attributes: HttpSession attributes are used to store client-specific information on the server side. They are associated with a particular user session and can be used to maintain client state across multiple requests. This makes HttpSession attributes a good option for maintaining client state in a JEE application.

D. Stateful session beans: Stateful session beans are designed to maintain state across multiple requests. They are associated with a particular client and can be used to store client-specific information. This makes stateful session beans a good option for maintaining client state in a JEE application.

E. URL Rewriting: URL rewriting is a technique for adding session IDs to URLs. This allows the server to identify the client and maintain state across multiple requests. While URL rewriting can be effective for maintaining state, it has some limitations, such as the potential for security vulnerabilities and the impact on URL readability.

Based on the given scenario, the best option for maintaining client state is D. Stateful session beans, as they are designed to maintain state across multiple requests and are associated with a particular client. Option C. HttpSession attributes is also a good option since it can be used to maintain client state across multiple requests. Option A. Cookies and option E. URL Rewriting can also be used to maintain state but are less suited to the given scenario.

The Answer is: D. Stateful session beans

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