If you were working in a production Rule set Version Company X: 03-04-02, what Rule set version would you use for your next minor release?

  1. 03-05-01

  2. 04-01-01

  3. 03-05-02

  4. 03-04-03

Correct Option: A

AI Explanation

To answer this question, you need to understand how rule set versions are typically structured and incremented.

In the given scenario, the current rule set version is "03-04-02". The format of the rule set version is typically in the form of "major.minor.patch", where the major version represents significant changes, the minor version represents smaller updates or enhancements, and the patch version represents bug fixes or patches.

For the next minor release, you would increment the minor version by 1 while keeping the major and patch versions the same. Therefore, the next minor release would be "03-05-01".

Let's go through each option to understand why it is correct or incorrect:

Option A) 03-05-01 - This option is correct because it follows the rule of incrementing the minor version by 1 for the next release.

Option B) 04-01-01 - This option is incorrect because it increments the major version, not the minor version.

Option C) 03-05-02 - This option is incorrect because it increments both the minor and patch versions, not just the minor version.

Option D) 03-04-03 - This option is incorrect because it increments the patch version, not the minor version.

The correct answer is A) 03-05-01. This option is correct because it follows the rule of incrementing the minor version by 1 for the next release.

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