Which of the following statements best describe the function of an entity relational model?

  1. An ER model is concerned primarily with a physical implementation of the data and secondly with a logical view

  2. An ER model provides a view of the logic of the data and not the physical implementation

  3. An ER model is concerned primarily with a logical view of the data and secondly with the physical implementation

  4. An ER model is entirely concerned with modelling the physical implementation

Correct Option: B

To solve this question, the user needs to understand what an entity-relationship (ER) model is and its primary function.

An ER model is a graphical representation of the entities and their relationships to each other. It provides a logical view of the data, which means that it focuses on the conceptual and semantic understanding of the data rather than its physical implementation.

Now, let's go through each option and explain why it is right or wrong:

A. An ER model is concerned primarily with a physical implementation of the data and secondly with a logical view. This statement is incorrect because ER models are primarily concerned with the logical view of the data, not the physical implementation. While a physical implementation may be considered, it is not the primary focus of an ER model.

B. An ER model provides a view of the logic of the data and not the physical implementation. This statement is correct. ER models provide a logical view of the data, which means they focus on the conceptual and semantic understanding of the data rather than its physical implementation.

C. An ER model is concerned primarily with a logical view of the data and secondly with the physical implementation. This statement is correct. ER models are primarily concerned with the logical view of the data and secondarily with the physical implementation. However, it is important to note that the physical implementation is only considered after the logical view has been established.

D. An ER model is entirely concerned with modelling the physical implementation. This statement is incorrect. ER models are concerned with the logical view of the data, not the physical implementation.

Therefore, the correct answer is: The Answer is: B. An ER model provides a view of the logic of the data and not the physical implementation.

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