What is the PIC representation for +123.876?

  1. PIC S9(3).999

  2. PIC 9(3).999

  3. PIC S9(3)V999

  4. PIC 9(3)V999

Correct Option: C

AI Explanation

To represent the number +123.876 in PIC (Picture) format, we need to consider the sign, the integer part, and the fractional part.

The options given are: A. PIC S9(3).999 B. PIC 9(3).999 C. PIC S9(3)V999 D. PIC 9(3)V999

Let's analyze each option:

Option A) PIC S9(3).999 - This option represents a signed numeric field with a length of 3 digits for the integer part and 3 decimal places for the fractional part. However, it does not account for the sign of the number.

Option B) PIC 9(3).999 - This option represents an unsigned numeric field with a length of 3 digits for the integer part and 3 decimal places for the fractional part. However, it does not account for the sign of the number.

Option C) PIC S9(3)V999 - This option represents a signed numeric field with a length of 3 digits for the integer part, a decimal point, and 3 decimal places for the fractional part. The "V" represents the decimal point. This option correctly represents the number +123.876.

Option D) PIC 9(3)V999 - This option represents an unsigned numeric field with a length of 3 digits for the integer part, a decimal point, and 3 decimal places for the fractional part. However, it does not account for the sign of the number.

The correct answer is C) PIC S9(3)V999. This option correctly represents the number +123.876 by considering the sign, integer part, and fractional part.

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