Overloading, overriding and dynamic method binding are three types of what?

  1. Inheritance

  2. Polymorphism

  3. Generalization

  4. Abstraction

Correct Option: B

AI Explanation

To answer this question, you need to understand the concepts of overloading, overriding, and dynamic method binding.

Option A) Inheritance - This option is incorrect because overloading, overriding, and dynamic method binding are not directly related to inheritance. Inheritance is a concept that allows a class to inherit properties and behaviors from another class.

Option B) Polymorphism - This option is correct because overloading, overriding, and dynamic method binding are all types of polymorphism. Polymorphism refers to the ability of an object to take on many forms or to have multiple behaviors.

Option C) Generalization - This option is incorrect because generalization is not directly related to overloading, overriding, and dynamic method binding. Generalization is a concept in object-oriented programming that allows classes to be organized into a hierarchy based on common attributes and behaviors.

Option D) Abstraction - This option is incorrect because overloading, overriding, and dynamic method binding are not directly related to abstraction. Abstraction is a concept that focuses on hiding the implementation details and exposing only essential features of an object.

The correct answer is B) Polymorphism. This option is correct because overloading, overriding, and dynamic method binding are all types of polymorphism. They allow objects to exhibit different behaviors based on the context in which they are used.

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