10.Which statement is used to end the COBOL program?

  1. STOP

  2. END


  4. END RUN

Correct Option: C

AI Explanation

To answer this question, you need to understand how to end a COBOL program.

The correct statement used to end a COBOL program is option C) STOP RUN.

Option A) STOP - This option is incorrect because the STOP statement is used to terminate the execution of a specific program section or paragraph, but it does not end the entire program.

Option B) END - This option is incorrect because the END statement is used to mark the end of a specific program section or paragraph, but it does not end the entire program.

Option D) END RUN - This option is incorrect because there is no such statement in COBOL. The correct statement is STOP RUN.

The correct answer is option C) STOP RUN. This statement is used to end the COBOL program and terminate its execution.

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