How to generate statspack report?

  1. run spcreate.sql

  2. run sptrunc.sql

  3. run spexp.par

  4. run spreport.sql

Correct Option: D

AI Explanation

To generate a statspack report, you need to run the spreport.sql script. Let's go through each option to understand why it is correct or incorrect:

Option A) run spcreate.sql - This option is incorrect because running the spcreate.sql script is used to create the statspack schema in the database. It does not generate a statspack report.

Option B) run sptrunc.sql - This option is incorrect because running the sptrunc.sql script is used to truncate the statspack tables in the database. It does not generate a statspack report.

Option C) run spexp.par - This option is incorrect because running the spexp.par script is used to export the statspack data from the database. It does not generate a statspack report.

Option D) run spreport.sql - This option is correct because running the spreport.sql script is used to generate a statspack report. This script retrieves and analyzes the performance data stored in the statspack tables to generate a comprehensive report with detailed performance statistics.

The correct answer is Option D. This option is correct because running the spreport.sql script is the correct way to generate a statspack report.

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