The user Sue issues this SQL statement: GRANT SELECT ON sue.EMP TO Alice WITH GRANT OPTION; The user Alice issues this SQL statement: GRANT SELECT ON sue.EMP TO Rena WITH GRANT OPTION; The user Rena issues this SQL statement: GRANT SELECT ON sue.EMP TO timber; The user Sue issues this SQL statement: REVOKE select on sue.EMP FROM Alice; For which users does the revoke command revoke SELECT privileges on the SUE.EMP table?

  1. Alice only

  2. Alice and Rena

  3. Alice, Rena, and Timber

  4. Sue, Alice, Rena, and Timber

Correct Option: C

AI Explanation

To determine which users have their SELECT privileges revoked on the SUE.EMP table, we need to analyze the SQL statements provided.

Initially, Sue grants SELECT privileges on sue.EMP to Alice with the GRANT OPTION. This means that Alice can grant these privileges to other users.

Then, Alice grants SELECT privileges on sue.EMP to Rena with the GRANT OPTION. Rena can also grant these privileges to other users.

Finally, Rena grants SELECT privileges on sue.EMP to Timber without the GRANT OPTION.

Afterward, Sue revokes the SELECT privileges on sue.EMP from Alice.

When a user grants privileges with the GRANT OPTION, they can pass on those privileges to other users. However, when a user grants privileges without the GRANT OPTION, they cannot pass on those privileges.

Therefore, the REVOKE command issued by Sue will revoke the SELECT privileges on sue.EMP from Alice. Since Alice granted these privileges to Rena with the GRANT OPTION, Rena will still have the SELECT privileges on sue.EMP. However, since Rena granted these privileges to Timber without the GRANT OPTION, Timber will also lose the SELECT privileges on sue.EMP.

Hence, the correct answer is:

C. Alice, Rena, and Timber

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