SELECT ROUND(123.456,2) , TRUNC(123.456,2), ROUND(125.456, -1) , TRUNC(126.456,-2) FROM DUAL;

  1. 123.46,123.45,130,100

  2. 123.46,123.45,130,120

  3. 123.46,123.45,120,100

  4. 123.46,123.45,125,100

Correct Option: A

AI Explanation

To determine the correct answer, let's break down the given SQL statement:

SELECT ROUND(123.456,2) , TRUNC(123.456,2), ROUND(125.456, -1) , TRUNC(126.456,-2) FROM DUAL;

The ROUND function is used to round a number to a specific decimal place, and the TRUNC function is used to remove decimal places from a number.

Let's evaluate each part of the statement:

  • ROUND(123.456,2) rounds the number 123.456 to 2 decimal places, resulting in 123.46.
  • TRUNC(123.456,2) removes all decimal places after 2, resulting in 123.45.
  • ROUND(125.456, -1) rounds the number 125.456 to the nearest 10, resulting in 130.
  • TRUNC(126.456,-2) removes all decimal places after the nearest 100, resulting in 100.

So, the resulting values are: 123.46, 123.45, 130, 100.

Comparing the resulting values with the answer choices:

A) 123.46, 123.45, 130, 100 - This option matches the resulting values. B) 123.46, 123.45, 130, 120 - The last value should be 100, not 120. C) 123.46, 123.45, 120, 100 - The third value should be 130, not 120. D) 123.46, 123.45, 125, 100 - The third value should be 130, not 125.

Therefore, the correct answer is option A) 123.46, 123.45, 130, 100.

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