In PIC zzz9, What does z means?

  1. zero comp digit

  2. zero suppressed digit

  3. zero edited digit

  4. zero packed digit

Correct Option: B

AI Explanation

To answer this question, you need to understand the format specifier "zzz9" in PIC (Picture) clause used in COBOL programming.

In PIC zzz9, the "z" represents a zero suppressed digit.

Option A) Zero comp digit - This option is incorrect because "z" does not stand for zero comp digit. Zero comp digit is represented by "9" in COBOL. Option B) Zero suppressed digit - This option is correct because "z" in PIC zzz9 represents a zero suppressed digit. Option C) Zero edited digit - This option is incorrect because "z" does not stand for zero edited digit. Option D) Zero packed digit - This option is incorrect because "z" does not stand for zero packed digit.

The correct answer is B) Zero suppressed digit. This option is correct because "z" in PIC zzz9 represents a zero suppressed digit.

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