Indicate whether this statement is true or false. Restricting the domain of a numeric column to non-negative values can be implemented with a check constraint.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

To solve this question, the user needs to know what a check constraint is and the concept of restricting the domain of a numeric column.

A check constraint is a rule that limits the values that can be inserted into a column. It ensures that the data is valid and meets certain criteria. Restricting the domain of a numeric column to non-negative values means that only values greater than or equal to zero can be inserted into the column.

Now, let's go through each option:

A. True: This option is correct. A check constraint can be used to restrict the domain of a numeric column to non-negative values. For example, the following SQL code creates a check constraint that restricts the values in the "age" column to be greater than or equal to zero:

ALTER TABLE students
ADD CONSTRAINT non_negative_age CHECK (age >= 0);

B. False: This option is incorrect. As explained above, a check constraint can be used to restrict the domain of a numeric column to non-negative values. Therefore, option A is the correct answer.

The Answer is: A

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