Select the static Helper method(s) to append an ID to a ContentProvider URI

  1. ContentUris.withAppendedId()

  2. Uri.withAppendedPath()

  3. Both a and b above

  4. None of above

Correct Option: C

AI Explanation

To answer this question, we need to understand the purpose and usage of the ContentUris.withAppendedId() and Uri.withAppendedPath() methods.

Option A) ContentUris.withAppendedId() - This option is correct because it is a static helper method provided by the ContentUris class in Android. It is used to append an ID to a ContentProvider URI. The method takes two parameters: the base URI and the ID to be appended. It returns a new URI with the ID appended.

Option B) Uri.withAppendedPath() - This option is correct because it is another static helper method provided by the Uri class in Android. It is used to append a path segment to a URI. The method takes two parameters: the base URI and the path segment to be appended. It returns a new URI with the path segment appended.

Option C) Both a and b above - This option is correct because both ContentUris.withAppendedId() and Uri.withAppendedPath() can be used to append an ID to a ContentProvider URI. They serve slightly different purposes, with ContentUris.withAppendedId() specifically designed for appending IDs, and Uri.withAppendedPath() designed for appending path segments, which can include an ID.

Option D) None of the above - This option is incorrect because both ContentUris.withAppendedId() and Uri.withAppendedPath() are valid static helper methods to append an ID to a ContentProvider URI.

Therefore, the correct answer is Option C) Both a and b above.

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