which of the following statement about union transformation is False

  1. You can create input groups

  2. You can rename the transformation

  3. You can edit or delete the output group

  4. You can delete port in ip group

Correct Option: C

To answer this question correctly, the user needs to know about the Union transformation in Informatica PowerCenter.

Let's go through each option and explain why it is true or false:

A. You can create input groups: This statement is true. In the Union transformation, you can create input groups to add multiple input pipelines into a single output pipeline. This allows you to combine data from different sources.

B. You can rename the transformation: This statement is true. You can rename the Union transformation to any valid name that reflects its functionality.

C. You can edit or delete the output group: This statement is false. You cannot edit or delete the output group of a Union transformation. Once an output group is created, you can only add ports to it, but you cannot modify or remove the group.

D. You can delete port in the input group: This statement is true. You can delete ports in the input group of a Union transformation by selecting the port to be deleted and pressing the delete key.

Therefore, the answer is:

The Answer is: C

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