What is the first version of sharepoint called ?

  1. SharePoint Portal Server

  2. MOSS

  3. SharePoint Team Services

  4. SharePoint Portal Services

Correct Option: C

AI Explanation

To answer this question, you need to be familiar with the history of SharePoint.

Option A) SharePoint Portal Server - This option is incorrect because SharePoint Portal Server was not the first version of SharePoint. It was released in 2001 as the second major release of SharePoint.

Option B) MOSS - This option is incorrect because MOSS (Microsoft Office SharePoint Server) was not the first version of SharePoint. MOSS was released in 2007 as the third major release of SharePoint.

Option C) SharePoint Team Services - This option is correct. SharePoint Team Services was the first version of SharePoint. It was released in 2001 and provided basic collaboration and document management functionalities.

Option D) SharePoint Portal Services - This option is incorrect because SharePoint Portal Services was not the first version of SharePoint. It was released in 2003 as an add-on to SharePoint Team Services.

The correct answer is C) SharePoint Team Services. This option is correct because it was the first version of SharePoint that was released.

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