What does the following statement do? GRANT REFERENCES (col1, col2) ON TABLE table1 TO user1 WITH GRANT OPTION

  1. Gives user USER1 the ability to refer to COL1 and COL2 of table TABLE1 in queries, along with the ability to give this authority to other users and groups.

  2. Gives user USER1 the ability to refer to COL1 and COL2 of table TABLE1 in views, along with the ability to give this authority to other users and groups.

  3. Gives user USER1 the ability to define a referential constraint on table TABLE1 using columns COL1 and COL2 as the parent key of the constraint.

  4. Gives user USER1 the ability to define a referential constraint on table TABLE1 using columns COL1 and COL2 as the foreign key of the constraint.

Correct Option: C

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