Which of the following can be a valid column name?

  1. Column

  2. 1966_Invoices

  3. Catch_#22

  4. #Invoices

Correct Option: C

AI Explanation

To answer this question, we need to understand the rules for valid column names in databases.

In general, valid column names should adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. They should not contain any special characters, except for underscores (_) or dollar signs ($).
  2. They should not start with a number.

Let's go through each option to determine which one is a valid column name:

Option A) Column - This option is valid because it only contains alphabetic characters and does not violate any of the guidelines.

Option B) 1966_Invoices - This option is not valid because it starts with a number.

Option C) Catch_#22 - This option is valid because it contains an underscore and only alphanumeric characters.

Option D) #Invoices - This option is not valid because it starts with a special character.

Therefore, the correct answer is option C) Catch_#22, as it adheres to the rules for valid column names.

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