Whst is the name given to the type of assembly that contains localized resources

  1. Spoke

  2. Hub

  3. Sputnik

  4. Satellite

Correct Option: D

AI Explanation

To answer this question, you need to understand the concept of assemblies and localized resources.

An assembly is a unit of deployment in .NET that contains compiled code, resources, and metadata. It can be a DLL or an executable file. Assemblies can include localized resources, which are specific to a particular language or culture.

In the given question, the name given to the type of assembly that contains localized resources is:

D) Satellite

Option D is the correct answer because a satellite assembly in .NET is an assembly that contains localized resources. These resources can include translated strings, images, sounds, or any other resource that is specific to a particular language or culture. Satellite assemblies are used to provide localized versions of an application or component without having to modify the main assembly.

Options A, B, and C are incorrect because they do not specifically refer to the type of assembly that contains localized resources in .NET.

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