Visual Basic uses an object called ______ to hold your table?

  1. file

  2. Record

  3. table

  4. RecordSet

Correct Option: D

To solve this question, the user needs to have a basic understanding of Visual Basic programming language and database management.

The correct answer is D.


Visual Basic uses an object called RecordSet to hold your table. Recordset is an object that represents a set of records in a database table or a query result set, and it is used to manipulate data in a database. The Recordset object provides methods and properties to access and manipulate data in a database table or a query result set.

Option A is incorrect because a file is a container for storing data and programs that can be accessed by a computer.

Option B is incorrect because a record is a collection of related data fields or items that are treated as a single unit.

Option C is incorrect because a table is a collection of related data organized in rows and columns, but it is not an object that holds the table in Visual Basic.

Therefore, the correct answer is D.

The Answer is: D.

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