List of all job in CA7 Queue and their status (PF Key)

  1. PF2

  2. PF4

  3. PF5

  4. PF3

Correct Option: C

AI Explanation

To view the list of all jobs in the CA7 Queue and their status, you would typically use the CA7 command line interface. Each PF key corresponds to a specific command or function in CA7.

Let's go through each option to understand its functionality:

Option A) PF2 - The PF2 key in CA7 is generally used for scrolling through lists or pages of information. It does not provide a direct command to view the list of jobs in the CA7 Queue and their status.

Option B) PF4 - The PF4 key in CA7 is typically used for returning to a previous screen or menu. It does not provide a direct command to view the list of jobs in the CA7 Queue and their status.

Option C) PF5 - The PF5 key in CA7 is commonly used to display the list of jobs in the CA7 Queue and their status. This option allows you to view the jobs currently in the queue and their corresponding status.

Option D) PF3 - The PF3 key in CA7 is often used for canceling or deleting a job. It does not provide a direct command to view the list of jobs in the CA7 Queue and their status.

Based on the explanation provided, the correct answer is Option C) PF5, as it allows you to view the list of all jobs in the CA7 Queue and their status.

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