A complete validation of a program can be obtained only by testing for every element of the domain

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

AI Explanation

To answer this question, it is important to understand the concept of program validation and testing.

Program validation is the process of ensuring that a program meets its specified requirements and produces the expected results. Testing is one of the methods used for program validation.

The statement "A complete validation of a program can be obtained only by testing for every element of the domain" is true. This statement suggests that in order to achieve complete validation, every possible input from the domain (all possible values that can be provided as input to the program) should be tested.

Testing every element of the domain is known as exhaustive testing. It involves testing the program with all possible inputs to ensure that it behaves correctly in all scenarios. However, in practice, it is often not feasible or practical to test every possible input due to the large number of potential inputs.

Instead, testing strategies are employed to select a representative subset of inputs that have a high likelihood of detecting errors. These strategies include boundary value analysis, equivalence partitioning, and random testing.

In conclusion, while complete validation would require testing every element of the domain, it is often not feasible or practical. Testing strategies are used to select a representative subset of inputs for testing. Therefore, the correct answer is A) True.

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