Select the best answer. This is an example of what _____ type of cursor? DECLARE l_date DATE; BEGIN SELECT TRUNC(SYSDATE) INTO l_date FROM DUAL; END;

  1. Explicit

  2. Implicit

  3. Select

  4. PL/SQL

  5. None of the above

Correct Option: B

AI Explanation

To answer this question, you need to understand the concept of cursor types in PL/SQL.

Option A) Explicit - This option is incorrect because the cursor in the given example is not explicitly declared or defined using a CURSOR statement. Instead, it is an implicit cursor.

Option B) Implicit - This option is correct because the cursor in the given example is an implicit cursor. Implicit cursors are automatically created by the PL/SQL compiler for SQL statements that are directly executed within PL/SQL code.

Option C) Select - This option is incorrect because "SELECT" is not a type of cursor. The SELECT statement is used to retrieve data from the database, but it does not determine the type of cursor.

Option D) PL/SQL - This option is incorrect because "PL/SQL" is not a type of cursor. PL/SQL is a procedural language used for writing Oracle database triggers, stored procedures, and functions.

Option E) None of the above - This option is incorrect because the correct answer is option B) Implicit.

The correct answer is B) Implicit. This option is correct because the cursor in the given example is an implicit cursor, which is automatically created by the PL/SQL compiler for SQL statements executed within PL/SQL code.

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