class Emu { static String s = "-"; public static void main(String[] args) { try { throw new Exception(); } catch (Exception e) { try { try { throw new Exception(); } catch (Exception ex) { s += "ic "; } throw new Exception(); } catch (Exception x) { s += "mc "; } finally { s += "mf "; } } finally { s += "of "; } System.out.println(s); } }

  1. -ic mc of mf

  2. Compilation fails.

  3. -ic mc mf of

  4. -ic mf of

Correct Option: C

AI Explanation

To answer this question, let's go through each option to understand why it is correct or incorrect:

Option A) -ic mc of mf - This option is incorrect. After the first catch block, the code enters the second catch block and appends "mc " to the string s. Finally, the finally block appends "mf " to the string s. Therefore, the correct sequence of statements is "-ic mc mf of".

Option B) Compilation fails - This option is incorrect. The code does not have any compilation errors.

Option C) -ic mc mf of - This option is correct. After the first catch block, the code enters the second catch block and appends "mc " to the string s. Finally, the finally block appends "mf " to the string s. Therefore, the correct sequence of statements is "-ic mc mf of".

Option D) -ic mf of - This option is incorrect. After the first catch block, the code enters the second catch block and appends "mc " to the string s. However, the finally block is executed before the end of the outer try-catch block, so "mf " is appended to the string s before the code reaches the end. Therefore, the correct sequence of statements is "-ic mc mf of".

The correct answer is Option C) -ic mc mf of. This option is correct because it accurately represents the sequence of statements executed in the code.

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