PRODUCT ======= Product ID Product Description Manufacturer ID MANUFACTURER ============ Manufacturer ID Manufacturer Name Referring to the above table, what type of relationship exists between the Product table and the Manufacturer table?

  1. Product - Many,Manufacturer - Many

  2. Product - One or Many,Manufacturer - One or Many

  3. Product - Many,Manufacturer - One

  4. Product - One,Manufacturer - One

  5. Product - One,Manufacturer - Many

Correct Option: B

AI Explanation

To determine the type of relationship between the Product table and the Manufacturer table, we need to analyze the cardinality of the relationship.

Looking at the table, we can see that the Product ID in the Product table corresponds to the Manufacturer ID in the Manufacturer table. This indicates that each product can be associated with one manufacturer.

However, the Product table can have multiple products, and the Manufacturer table can have multiple manufacturers. This suggests that there can be multiple products associated with multiple manufacturers.

Therefore, the correct answer is:

B. Product - One or Many, Manufacturer - One or Many

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