There is a way of describing XML data, how?

  1. XML uses a DTD to describe the data

  2. XML uses a description node to describe data

  3. XML uses XSL to describe data

  4. XML uses a DND to describe the data

Correct Option: A

AI Explanation

To answer this question, you need to understand how XML (Extensible Markup Language) describes data. Let's go through each option to understand why it is correct or incorrect:

Option A) XML uses a DTD to describe the data - This option is correct. XML can use a Document Type Definition (DTD) to describe the structure, elements, and attributes of the XML data. The DTD specifies the rules and constraints that the XML data must adhere to.

Option B) XML uses a description node to describe data - This option is incorrect. XML does not have a specific "description node" to describe data.

Option C) XML uses XSL to describe data - This option is incorrect. XSL (Extensible Stylesheet Language) is used for transforming XML data into other formats, such as HTML or PDF. It is not used for describing the structure of the XML data.

Option D) XML uses a DND to describe the data - This option is incorrect. "DND" is not a commonly used acronym in the context of XML, and it does not describe the process of describing XML data.

The correct answer is A) XML uses a DTD to describe the data. This option is correct because a DTD provides a formal definition of the structure and content of the XML data.

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