data test; input region $ totrev tothrs totkwh; datalines; north 3 45 55 north 345 64 64 south 235 34 345 east 23 346 576 south 23 5 4 ; run; PROC MEANS DATA=TEST1 NOPRINT; VAR TOTREV TOTKWH TOTHRS; OUTPUT OUT=TEST2 sum(TOTREV TOTKWH) = mean(TOTREV) = median(TOTHRS) = / AUTONAME; run; What are the column names of the dataset TEST2?

  1. TYPE , FREQ , totrev_Sum , totkwh_Sum , totrev_Mean , tothrs_Median

  2. TYPE , FREQ , total revenue sum , total kwh Sum , total revenue Mean , total hrs Median

  3. TYPE , FREQ , totrev , totkwh , tothrs

  4. totrev_Sum , totkwh_Sum , totrev_Mean , tothrs_Median

Correct Option: A

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